Best Grow Medium For First Time?


Active Member
What would you guys recommend to use as a medium for first time grow?

Im had a look at my local store and seen all the Perlite, Vermiculite, Peat Moss etc but got a bit overwhelmed. If someone could recommend which and ratios would be good...

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
For my first grow I used Coco Coir and I must say it's been a pleasure to work with. I used 75% Coco and 25% Perlite, you can add more or take away depending on how often you want to water (take away Coco for more watering)

The great thing with coco is that it's dead easy to flush if you muck up on your nutes at any given point.

Just make sure you rinse it to get the excess salts out, although I'm pretty sure most companies do this now but doesn't hurt to check.

Also with Coco you measure you run off EC and if it's higher coming out than what you're putting in you're over feeding, if it's lower then increase your input by 0.2 EC, best advice anyone can give about coco.

At the end of the day all mediums differ but not by huge amounts if done correctly. Just choose which suits you best :)


Well-Known Member
I go about 20-25% cheap (no nute) potting soil, 30% peat moss, and tehn about 25% each perlite nad vermiculite. I add in 2T/gal of lime.

Hope that helps


Active Member
In my opinion, the easiest to start with is FoxFarms Ocean Forest.
I've got great results from it!
However, as with any soil, there's always the possibility of getting gnats.
For gnats, Mosquito Dunks have worked very effectively and quickly for me!


Well-Known Member
I would also recommend Ocean Forest. For a new grower, it is nice to get it all in one bag.
Where possible, cut the OF with Light Warrior for seedlings.
Add no nutes for first 3 weeks.


Active Member
Re these brands available in Australia? I have tried looking for brands from overseas but none seem to be available...


Well-Known Member
Not sure...
Let us know what you have available, and we can try & make a recommendation!
Maybe some other Australian grower will chime in!

Fox Farms is the brand name. Ocean Forest (OF) and Light Warrior are soil products they manufacture.
Pro-Mix is a different brand, but still recommended by many.


Well-Known Member
Which Pro-Mix are you guys recommending?
Looks like there is a couple of different products - BX, HP, other?