plant problems, possible nute burn?


Well-Known Member
you use SOIL no nutes before 2 Weeks to 3 Weeks!!!! flush that right away with distilled water! check drenage as well! + Stress frm transplant. add 1ml/Liter of B-52 Advanced Nutes after flush it will help!


Well-Known Member
Definitely burned all to hell.

Might be salvageable - however big your pots are, flush with x3-x5 that amount of water. E.g. you use a 3 gallon pot, flush with 9-15 gallons of water, and hope the burn stops.

Sooner the better....


ok thanks guys, and do you guys think it may have stunted their growth over the last couple of days. do they look especially small for 10 days old?


Well-Known Member
ok thanks guys, and do you guys think it may have stunted their growth over the last couple of days. do they look especially small for 10 days old?
can't tell! as long as it's causing problems it should affect growth! all u gotta care off is SAVIN' ur lady!


Well-Known Member
Those are Fukkn seedlings, and they look dry... and fukk... nute burn, why did you feed them? and what?
Just water them, those are 4-6 oz pots... 12-18 oz of water... if you flush...
I wouldn't, I'd just keep them a little extra wet...
Seedling soil, or did you mix up a batch with nutes in it?
If you haven't added nutes, and your soil is 'hot' and you flush, you will kill them...
Soil for seedlings is never the same as soil for your plants...when you are a begginer, before your grow skills get better....go easy, using 1/4 to 1/2 strength nutes...
Take it slow...see what your plants will allow you to give them...
At least you now know...
Maybe a transplant to a 'seedling' starter mix...
They will make it with around the clock emergency care...
Aerate your soil... today, and tomorrow... turn it with a small tooth pick...or small spoon...
Good Luck!! They will come back...Have Faith...