Well obviously they werent really his friends. But back then he was friendly with just about everyone. I am much more choosy about who I trust.

One of his "friends" also tried to get me to cheat on him while he was in jail. Only in for like 3 weeks and the guy was trying to push me onto another dudes dick. Like wtf?

Lesson learned Miss pie......There are no REAL FRIENDS....just talkers and bull shitters....when push comes to shove....the so called friends are the first ones to give THE ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!

EDIT....in other words...they have no back bone...ya know....spinless RATS
Being from Wisconsin, this is the sexiest thing I've ever seen.
Lesson learned Miss pie......There are no REAL FRIENDS....just talkers and bull shitters....when push comes to shove....the so called friends are the first ones to give THE ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got lucky I guess. I have some REAL friends that have helped me out during very tough times.
Lesson learned Miss pie......There are no REAL FRIENDS....just talkers and bull shitters....when push comes to shove....the so called friends are the first ones to give THE ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the reasons I don't have any friends atm. People are two faced and just want to put up a front. I am friendly to people and have many aquaintances, but most people fail on the friend level.
Same here. only one i would trust with my life. another real good friend, but i know he wouldnt take a bullet for me. but now that hes got a kid too, i wouldnt want him too. But most friends are not that solid these days.
Right?!?!?!? I mean, how does that work? She was shopping for some alcohol, when some brother says "daaaaaamn, Lashonda, you finer than a MF.....lay up in that cheese and let me get a pic"

that video was awesome, good music, hot girls, cool camera work. im gonna post that in another thread on here, https://www.rollitup.org/music/641078-edm-house-dubstep.html
if you like that kinda music you should stop by there. it feels like im talkin to myself in there sometimes.

also, ClaytonBigsby, i'm sure u'll appreciate this...
Aw shit smoke it up and watch her do this one :) [youtube]hhE8W4Jo88I[/youtube]

dude, i was stoned as fuck when i saw this the first time. the hula hoop is hella trippy, sometimes it looks like some crappy 80's music video cgi. awesome. im gonna post this in the same thread as the other song, https://www.rollitup.org/music/641078-edm-house-dubstep.html , thanks for the new song. if you like edm (electronic dance music) you should check out that thread too, maybe post some more videos like this.
that video was awesome, good music, hot girls, cool camera work. im gonna post that in another thread on here, https://www.rollitup.org/music/641078-edm-house-dubstep.html
if you like that kinda music you should stop by there. it feels like im talkin to myself in there sometimes.

also, ClaytonBigsby, i'm sure u'll appreciate this...

Heeeeeeeeey, fella! That's still kinda a sore subject. We don't talk bout it in these here parts.

Gonna have to make this my new sig. So fuckin funny.

3000 posts, and finally, my first post used as a sig! Thank you, Peyote.