ALRIGHT LOOK. All I said was "Hey haha you could send some my way too". It was a JOKE. Which I do ALL THE TIME. I didn't say DON'T send to FDD. I said NOTHING to you about that and didn't start talking shit until Buck started talking shit to me like he always does. I think it's awesome (AND I SAID THIS) for ANYONE to help ANYONE.
I've got a better idea...how about you just stay away from me and i'll stay away from you. you don't see me popping up in your threads talking shit.
grinding for a living!
yeah me too....
Howdy my RIU peeps.....just dropping in to say hi to everyone.....wont stay long as I am Beat Tired....we worked our ASS of this weekend on the ranch....Everyone is wasted and already in the sack....just the DIE HARD still kicking ass....including the young peoples ass....( my kids ) but seriously we had a rough weekend getting shit done. Hope you all are doing well and once I recover from the beating ol Bear took...I'll be back on bright eyed and bushy tailed.....

One last note to Carne....if you read this message....listen to me brother....dont FUCKEN PAY ATTENTION to anyones bullshit.....get your ass back on line and contribute like you always have. I refuse to subject myself to anyones CRAP.....I dont care if anyone disagrees with me or what they say....thats fine....I can handle that but my life is based on the rule of LIVE AND LET LIVE......so RESPECT TO YOU BRO....and all others on here.....besides....I'm to old to be fucking around with DRAMA....thats just unnecessary brain damage IMO!!!! ..Peace YA"LL ...see you down the RD.....:-)
What I do think is sucky, is when you keep your mouth shut but your "friends" don't help you in your time of need.

My hubby new a bunch of shit about his coworkers, but didn't snitch on them. None of them gave a shit about him or helped with anything. Couldn't even be bothered to move some shit into storage for him. I had to do it all by myself. Ungrateful bastards.
My husband spent 8 months in jail because his "friends" snitched on him.

It's weird when shit like that happens, on the one hand you're upset it happened, but on the other, it really teaches you something about life and the real world. Unfortunately, you can only rely on yourself. In the future, I bet your husband doesn't end up in jail because of on of his friends...

It's weird when shit like that happens, on the one hand you're upset it happened, but on the other, it really teaches you something about life and the real world. Unfortunately, you can only rely on yourself. In the future, I bet your husband doesn't end up in jail because of on of his friends...
Well obviously they werent really his friends. But back then he was friendly with just about everyone. I am much more choosy about who I trust.

One of his "friends" also tried to get me to cheat on him while he was in jail. Only in for like 3 weeks and the guy was trying to push me onto another dudes dick. Like wtf?