NorCal 4/20 BBQ!

@madness: lol yea the clampers kept us up til 3 the night before and all day 4/20 was a smoke out. and when 4:20 rolled around... there wasn't anyone to pass a doobie too because everyone had one.. lol and then u showed up with that sexy oil rig and put me on my ass. I choked for a good 10 min. and I decided I had to try n get some sleep really medicated, and slept decently. thanks bro :) I didn't get to see the wood puzzle tho. but they certaintly burnt the wood that morning. toasted up what was left of 757s fruits as well left the area nice n clean and citrusy smelling :) really had a great time and would like to do another really soon for those who can make it next month.. ill prolli start a thread if its become a "thing". we as RIU can do better then the clampers twice a yr outings :) lol maybe we can start RIU traditions and even get the east coast doin the same thing! and thanks again everyone for the great samples! excellent ++meds++!!! bongsmilie
Thanks to everyone for everything! It was a great 420 BBQ. The whole day was cool everyone seemed to have a fun day. plenty to eat drink and smoke. I really enjoyed meeting everyone. thanks to double JJ for hooking it up !
I really wanted to make this man:evil:! But if u guyz decide to do another i would love to come and bring my socal grower buddy we all would love to mingle and just enjoy some w.c 215 we u guyz and down to pitch in as much needed
@madness: lol yea the clampers kept us up til 3 the night before and all day 4/20 was a smoke out. and when 4:20 rolled around... there wasn't anyone to pass a doobie too because everyone had one.. lol and then u showed up with that sexy oil rig and put me on my ass. I choked for a good 10 min. and I decided I had to try n get some sleep really medicated, and slept decently. thanks bro :) I didn't get to see the wood puzzle tho. but they certaintly burnt the wood that morning. toasted up what was left of 757s fruits as well left the area nice n clean and citrusy smelling :) really had a great time and would like to do another really soon for those who can make it next month.. ill prolli start a thread if its become a "thing". we as RIU can do better then the clampers twice a yr outings :) lol maybe we can start RIU traditions and even get the east coast doin the same thing! and thanks again everyone for the great samples! excellent ++meds++!!! bongsmilie

What was ur honest opinion of my honey comb and blue dream. Ime always worried about what people think about my concentrates I try to make the best product I can same with my flowers.
Would be down to do a bday gathering
Oh man. U what an honest opinion. Well here we go. The way u purged it, how ever it may have been, was immaculate! It was completely clean and smooth and I wasn't expecting it to expand so much in my longs that I couldn't hold it in! And u blue dream cut was most certainly flushed, left no bad smokey after taste and tasted nothin but the finest blue dream flowers I have yet to smoke! Many props brother! I wanted to ask u for a sample but u had left before i got up. Sorry the party had kinda died before u arrived. But it was good to atleast meet you. All of you, it was a great pleasure. Lurked on RIU for some time now. And now I'm deffinetly glad I found the right sight with minimum trolls and maximum awesome growers and beginners alike! :) can't wait to see how harvest party turns out. And again goin to plan a party next month around the 17th. To be continued... _Tycoon
Sorry man wasn't feeling good this morning is why I left erly ...... And thanks for the props I try my hardest and we will meet again ime shure. Start a thread or somethin if u do the b day BBQ
For those who tried the diesel I brought. What did you think? It didn't really have a cure on it so I am curious! Be honest! :)
What was ur honest opinion of my honey comb and blue dream. Ime always worried about what people think about my concentrates I try to make the best product I can same with my flowers.
Would be down to do a bday gathering

I was hoping you meet you there,weren't you going to do a demo or something on your process?
Home safe! Thanks too every1,doublejj,tycoon saced me:lol:,tws, bringing s much grub flowers and cooking it all, nuggs n fam. And many more that I will thank to come, but its been 3 days n no shower, soooo.

Ps method my friend hasn't stopped talking bout ur work and I loved those flowers! Thought the joint was spiked w/ir oil
Oh man. U what an honest opinion. Well here we go. The way u purged it, how ever it may have been, was immaculate! It was completely clean and smooth and I wasn't expecting it to expand so much in my longs that I couldn't hold it in! And u blue dream cut was most certainly flushed, left no bad smokey after taste and tasted nothin but the finest blue dream flowers I have yet to smoke! Many props brother! I wanted to ask u for a sample but u had left before i got up. Sorry the party had kinda died before u arrived. But it was good to atleast meet you. All of you, it was a great pleasure. Lurked on RIU for some time now. And now I'm deffinetly glad I found the right sight with minimum trolls and maximum awesome growers and beginners alike! :) can't wait to see how harvest party turns out. And again goin to plan a party next month around the 17th. To be continued... _Tycoon

Harvest party? Is that what was done in December? Herd jj did a hash demo in December
Was hoping to meet u also and at least I wasn't the only one withou a good cure mine was in jars for like a little over a week

Same here I was hoping to meet you but I had to leave at like 5pm. Had to go to the air port. Shoot mine might have been in jars for maybe 2-3 days if that.
Home safe! Thanks too every1,doublejj,tycoon saced me:lol:,tws, bringing s much grub flowers and cooking it all, nuggs n fam. And many more that I will thank to come, but its been 3 days n no shower, soooo.

Ps method my friend hasn't stopped talking bout ur work and I loved those flowers! Thought the joint was spiked w/ir oil
Glad u made it home good meeting u and no no oil on the joint didn't think to put any on dnt think I could of fit any oil in there anyway lol
Same here I was hoping to meet you but I had to leave at like 5pm. Had to go to the air port. Shoot mine might have been in jars for maybe 2-3 days if that.
Would of loved to try it I love sour d with a passion still havnt found that special cut yet I got there way later than I hoped we got lost
I Had a great time meeting all you. Definitely worth the long drive and no showers lol.
shout out to tycoon, k dub, and everyone else who stopped by i had a good time thanks!!
Couldn't have had a better 4/20 anywhere else than with the R.I.U squad in beautiful north cali !! mad props to everyone!
Method- your 215 is definitely on point. "Premium" medication. good job with that AND the honeycomb you definitely got skill.