I have smoked "The Willies" which I think is also willies wonder, this was in the 90's in western Washington state, Quimper peninsula area where this was a common street weed pickup.
Probably the same thing. As a "name" strain, Williams Wonder came from the Pacific Northwest, almost certainly got its name there (from Williams Oregon) and is still grown there.
To be honest, it really turned me off to the 'strong' 'one hitter quitter' stuff. It's like Jargo describes; dangerous and hard to dose. I would be in for a wild, paranoid, couch-locked, ride where short term memory doesn't exist. Unable to move, follow a conversation, keep a train of thought; it left me feeling really negative about getting high or stoned.
Been there for sure. . .I think this sort of "overdose" is a pretty common experience, when people used to commercial or common street weed try one of the top-shelf "super" strains.
In practice, its sort of a self-correcting error. If you're actually working with a bag of it (instead of a one-time try), not only do you learn pretty fast how much of a given strain you need, but I've found that you build up a tolerance to the strong strains (especially indicas) pretty fast.
I was thinking about this thread and how a few people have criticized the possibility of being done in one hit. Listen guys, my intention is to find strains that you when you take a quick hit or two you CAN quit and be legitimately stoned. I'm not saying you couldn't sit down for a session, just what will get you good and high after a good rip.
Again, what's a "rip"? Is that a puff from a normal joint, a bit toke from a spliff, a bong hit, a vaporizer hit?
Really, I think the range of what constitutes a "hit" is so variable, and what constitutes "stoned" is so subjective, that all the answers here have to be taken with a pretty big grain of salt. If you want a better measure of what's going on, its probably best to describe these "one hit" strains in terms of how much by WEIGHT it takes you to get stoned/high/medicated. At least that way, the type of hit doesn't really factor into it. Of course, in practice, almost nobody actually weighs out their dose.
If you think about the question, its really just another way of asking about which are the most potent strains. Admittedly, measured THC levels aren't a perfect representation of effect (cannabinoid ratios matter too), but they're a pretty good first approximation of effect, and if you look at the strains mentioned in this thread, most of them clock in at about 20-23% THC. So its probably fair to say that any strain above 20% THC is potentially a "one-hitter".
Again, with the Williams ("one hit") Wonder I just grew, I got nicely "medicated" on a weighed out 0.17 gram "pinner" joint, which was about 1/3 of a small bud and literally the smallest joint I could roll. I wasn't "done" in the sense that I was unable to have more, or didn't want more (I definitely wouldn't have minded!), but I didn't "need" more.
Since then, I've had more experience with this, and I've noticed an interesting thing. The subjective effect of this is NOT linear. In other words, twice as much bud doesn't get me "twice" as high, and 3 or even 4x as much doesn't completely incapacitate me the way I would have thought it should. . .there is a "ceiling" effect at play. Also, while more bud definitely means more intensity of effect, it doesn't really mean more duration. Apart from eating it, I've found the only way to get a strain to last more than about 4 hours is to re-dose.