Scotland Growers Thread


Well-Known Member

  • The annual 420 meeting is in Kelvingrove park, Glasgow tomorrow, and is on all day regardless of weather, everyone is welcome, bring ur own stash lol, we are all meeting up as usual to discuss the current situation in the uk regarding cannabis laws, hope to see some of u there.



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so ive had good growth in the last week, i topped my BLT and now have 4 main heads growing as well as trying a little LST on it, and the cheese (AUTO) is starting to bud now and is stinkin the place up, gonna wait another week the switch to 12/12 and see how it goes

what u all think so far?
i think an auto on 12/12 is gonna be shitter than a normal auto...


Well-Known Member
i think an auto on 12/12 is gonna be shitter than a normal auto...
i knw its gonna affect my yield but i need to switch the lighting for my BLT photoperiod plant so its a sacrifice im willing to make as i know i will pull more bud from the blt, and its my 1st auto so just seeing how it goes not too fussed about it


Well-Known Member
i knw its gonna affect my yield but i need to switch the lighting for my BLT photoperiod plant so its a sacrifice im willing to make as i know i will pull more bud from the blt, and its my 1st auto so just seeing how it goes not too fussed about it
You will get mor bud from you're blt if you veg longer aswell...

Put the auto outside, iv had a couple littleuns out in this scottish weather not the worst now, been sunny every day so far, and the not so sunny days i leave it anyway....

im on the east side of scootland

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Aye aye lads. Sitting her in the middle of Scotland, tad of sun on the hill and heater is getting nice and purple, all good.


Well-Known Member
I can only imagine what Scotlands economy would be like if they had gained independance when oil was found. Even though the majority voted for independance the Govt ruled it out saying the turn out was not good enough, or %'s changed...bullshit. They didn't want to loose the oil. That being said, who owns the oil fields now and who is getting most of the money out of them?
Now, like Closet I am not aware of the fact well enough to make a judgement, but after studying Economics, I do believe there is a case where Smallism can work. There are increasingly too many diminshing returns within larger economies for them to be 100% efficient. Look at how rich the Scandinavian countries are for example. Anyway, off to get needles stuck into me. Laters alligators.


Well-Known Member
who owns the oil fields now and who is getting most of the money out of them?
The reserves, which generated £11 billion of tax revenue last year, are currently a UK asset and licenses for drilling are awarded by Whitehall. 90 per cent of the oil reserves geographically are just off the coast in Scottish waters.

Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, said a few weeks ago that future ownership of the oil is already the subject of argument but Scotland would certainly come out with “a major resource” if it voted for independence.

Although scaremongering UK ministers have previously carefully avoided giving any indication that most of the oil reserves would go to Scotland in the event of independence. Trust me it will.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2625239View attachment 2625240View attachment 2625241View attachment 2625242View attachment 2625243

so ive had good growth in the last week, i topped my BLT and now have 4 main heads growing as well as trying a little LST on it, and the cheese (AUTO) is starting to bud now and is stinkin the place up, gonna wait another week the switch to 12/12 and see how it goes

what u all think so far?
Looks nice, the topped plant is going to be huge and bushy, i do this technique all the time, adda a few weeks to veg but well worth it in the long run, do you supercrop? well worth it too.


Well-Known Member
by all means I would trust you Budman, thing is, I don't trust politicans...period! Salmon is fuktard like the rest of them. They may all be full of idealistic views when they are down the student union living on a bag of cornflakes a week, but when they have bodyguards, top of the range limos and all the other crap that goes with being a leader, then their tiny little minds just canny handle it......and I am not saying I would be any different. It takes a life of smashing up rocks in jail to make people really idealistic, and unfortunately we don't have any Nelson Mandelas that I know of.:)

That being said, I would really hope that Scotland got the largest beenfit out of the oil reserves independance being reached, but I seriously doubt that will happen, even if "they" say it will. Westminster will come up with something to throw a spanner in the works on that front.

Anyway, who the fuk am I, I don't even live in Scotland anymore, lol. But my heart is still there. (living off a high fat deep fried diet!)

The reserves, which generated £11 billion of tax revenue last year, are currently a UK asset and licenses for drilling are awarded by Whitehall. 90 per cent of the oil reserves geographically are just off the coast in Scottish waters.

Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, said a few weeks ago that future ownership of the oil is already the subject of argument but Scotland would certainly come out with “a major resource” if it voted for independence.

Although scaremongering UK ministers have previously carefully avoided giving any indication that most of the oil reserves would go to Scotland in the event of independence. Trust me it will.


Well-Known Member
Looks nice, the topped plant is going to be huge and bushy, i do this technique all the time, adda a few weeks to veg but well worth it in the long run, do you supercrop? well worth it too.
thanks mate, im switching to 12/12 tomorrow i know this will keep the plant smaller than it cud be but im trying to hurry this grow along so i can start my next one in my larger space with better strains, but need the lights from this grow for new cupboard.
as for supercropping ive never tried it not exactly sure what it entails,


Well-Known Member
Supercropping is just another method of utlising apical dominance. You are bending the branch, or actually more like snapping it down with enough contact left not to kill the branch off. The method comes from tomato growers who use it to increase yield. Forefinger and thunb at the point you want to bend. Massage the branch until it starts to soften then gently bend (you will probably here a popping sound where part of the outter membrane of the plant tears and snaps, but providing it's still connected it should ideally (providing you also have a good medium) send more auxins to the branch to initally repair then the offshoot is you got a more level canopy and top bud sites receiving simlar amounts of energy from the roots. More big colas ultimately.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Group 1 Apr 2013.jpgGroup 3 Apr 2013.jpgLanarkshire Cannabis Community Banner.jpgHi folks, only been back into RIU for a month or so and made pals in the Irish thread, don't feel the UK growers thread is really a growers thread at all, just a chat thread, anyway nice to see a Scots thread and over time I'm sure it'll get plenty of regulars chipping in. Me , I'm an old hippy in my 50s , been smoking for over 30 years, without giving anything away I hail from the Lanarkshire/Hamilton/East Kilbride region and recently got back into growing and Its became quite an interesting hobby, I grow in a small bedroom closet, and only 4-5 at a time so that if PC Murdoch comes a chapping I wont get thrown in the nick, heres a couple of pics from my cupboard just now, Its 2 TRAINWRECK Clones and 4 Nirvana Northern Lights I got going just now, the NL are just over 30 days from seed and the Trainwrecks have been vegging for nearly 40 days and are going into flowering this weekend, after I take some clones, so its going to be a busy weekend.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2633306View attachment 2633307View attachment 2633308Hi folks, only been back into RIU for a month or so and made pals in the Irish thread, don't feel the UK growers thread is really a growers thread at all, just a chat thread, anyway nice to see a Scots thread and over time I'm sure it'll get plenty of regulars chipping in. Me , I'm an old hippy in my 50s , been smoking for over 30 years, without giving anything away I hail from the Lanarkshire/Hamilton/East Kilbride region and recently got back into growing and Its became quite an interesting hobby, I grow in a small bedroom closet, and only 4-5 at a time so that if PC Murdoch comes a chapping I wont get thrown in the nick, heres a couple of pics from my cupboard just now, Its 2 TRAINWRECK Clones and 4 Nirvana Northern Lights I got going just now, the NL are just over 30 days from seed and the Trainwrecks have been vegging for nearly 40 days and are going into flowering this weekend, after I take some clones, so its going to be a busy weekend.
how u doing bilbo, nice to hear from a fellow scot, ur not to far from myself in that area out ek way regular, plants are looking good mate, ive got bedroom cupboard grow going but im using cfls and only 2 plants at a time for now till i can sort better lighting and a larger space,
anyway keep up the good work bro, and make sure u post some more pics of ur girls when they start flowering


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2633306View attachment 2633307View attachment 2633308Hi folks, only been back into RIU for a month or so and made pals in the Irish thread, don't feel the UK growers thread is really a growers thread at all, just a chat thread, anyway nice to see a Scots thread and over time I'm sure it'll get plenty of regulars chipping in. Me , I'm an old hippy in my 50s , been smoking for over 30 years, without giving anything away I hail from the Lanarkshire/Hamilton/East Kilbride region and recently got back into growing and Its became quite an interesting hobby, I grow in a small bedroom closet, and only 4-5 at a time so that if PC Murdoch comes a chapping I wont get thrown in the nick, heres a couple of pics from my cupboard just now, Its 2 TRAINWRECK Clones and 4 Nirvana Northern Lights I got going just now, the NL are just over 30 days from seed and the Trainwrecks have been vegging for nearly 40 days and are going into flowering this weekend, after I take some clones, so its going to be a busy weekend.
They look nice bilbo, sativa like ones at the back will be huge! What lighting are you using, I have tried them all really over the years HPS 600w, CFL - best results i had was to put the huge ones vertical with no hood but the get hotter than most realize but i built a fan out of 5 pc fans and works amazing but i needed 3 CFL on a couple of plants but really love LED, best i have seen with 300w of LED power!