The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Unless you crash and nearly kill yourself like Jeb Corliss did cos his spastic camera man didn't put the balloon back in the right place after it fell off the rock......:dunce:


Much respect for being able to right himself enough to get to a safe pull point though.....:clap:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
All good points yorkie, I'd say it wouldn't do as a stand alone smell solution. On top of a good filter for chop day, if your in close prox to the outside world fair enough but they're still not really necessary if your fan n filter are top end and changed reg. Like I say ill lend you mine, see what you make of it.


Well-Known Member
About 140mph full whack mate, depending on turbulence and shit.

I'm not actually sure if somebody has set a speed record yet, terminal velocity comes into play seen as there's no propulsion.


Me in about 2 years if I pull my finger out! ;)
that is mad, i thought that was only fake movie shit...

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Group Trainwreck Cuttings 28 Days Veg + Nirvana Northern Lights 28 Days.jpgThanks for all the nice welcomes guys and gals, with no disrespect to our transatlantic colleagues it will be good to be in a thread where they call a 12 inch pot a 12 inch pot and not a 3 gallon container. heres the latest pic of what Ive got going on in my cupboard----wee story ----my boy who is 25 and likes a smoke was working with this older guy who was a grower, this guy was boasting about his plants that yielded 6 oz a plant ( LOL ) I know its possible but sounds like BS, anyway my boy blagged a couple of cuttings, gave them over to me as my boy has yet to set up a grow cupboard of his own, anyway the most likely parentage of these cuttings is TRAINWRECK, whatever that is. I also got 4 wee Nirvana Northern Light seedlings vegging away at 27 days now


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2624858Thanks for all the nice welcomes guys and gals, with no disrespect to our transatlantic colleagues it will be good to be in a thread where they call a 12 inch pot a 12 inch pot and not a 3 gallon container. heres the latest pic of what Ive got going on in my cupboard----wee story ----my boy who is 25 and likes a smoke was working with this older guy who was a grower, this guy was boasting about his plants that yielded 6 oz a plant ( LOL ) I know its possible but sounds like BS, anyway my boy blagged a couple of cuttings, gave them over to me as my boy has yet to set up a grow cupboard of his own, anyway the most likely parentage of these cuttings is TRAINWRECK, whatever that is. I also got 4 wee Nirvana Northern Light seedlings vegging away at 27 days now
You have bin growing 2 xcrops for 10 years and you think 6 oz dry must be BS? um


Well-Known Member
Unless you crash and nearly kill yourself like Jeb Corliss did cos his spastic camera man didn't put the balloon back in the right place after it fell off the rock......:dunce:


Much respect for being able to right himself enough to get to a safe pull point though.....:clap:
fuck me, that blew me away ! Ive seen his balls outside Ramsdens !


New Member
Hey I hope you don't mind me asking wud u mail within the UK, my partner has cardiomyopathy a heart condition he finds it difficult to sleep as he was told he wouldn't make it through the night, he was initaly given sleeping tablets from the doctor but we do not believe in taking these they have long term affects which are not good for you hence looking for natual medical provider can any 1 help?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Did you get any pics TTT
Nope. Took my new camera along especially, and within 10 minutes of getting there i ended up so stoned i could barely move. Just sat in a tent all afternoon. Didn;t speak a word all afternoon, just completely monged out. Not the most suitable event for someone who now smokes once in a blue moon. There is passing the joint around the circle, and then there is passing the joint around the circle when everyne in the circle has rolled a joint. Just ended up so stoned i'd try and pass the joint on so as to take a break and relax, only to get given another joint.

My one main thoguht of the event though. I now this happens at every festival, concert, gathering etc, but i really don't think it gives off a good image of stoners. Hyde park, lovely green grass and such, with thousands of stoenrs squashed in like sardines. Every single one of them with bags of munchies, drinks, booze, nos canisters etc, so what does seemingly every single one of those 1000 odd people do? They eat it, drink it, inhale it, and when they leave, they just drop everything on the ground and walk off. It was fucking shameful. Must take a team of 100 people half a week to clean up. How hardis it, however stoned you are, to put your rubbish in the carrier bag you arrived with, and even just pile all the carrier bags against a tree or railing or something. but nope, a few more attendees and you migh have mistake the place for a landfill.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
You have bin growing 2 xcrops for 10 years and you think 6 oz dry must be BS? um
Yeah I know it sounds lame but my previous grows have been attic grows with temps all over the place, nothing really controlled, I once got 4 ounces of dried from Nirvana;s PAPAYA and thought I was Jorge Cervantes!!---na seriously its only recently when I started reading some of the way things have moved on in the last 5 years or so that I realize I will have to up my game.


Well-Known Member
Nope. Took my new camera along especially, and within 10 minutes of getting there i ended up so stoned i could barely move. Just sat in a tent all afternoon. Didn;t speak a word all afternoon, just completely monged out. Not the most suitable event for someone who now smokes once in a blue moon. There is passing the joint around the circle, and then there is passing the joint around the circle when everyne in the circle has rolled a joint. Just ended up so stoned i'd try and pass the joint on so as to take a break and relax, only to get given another joint.

My one main thoguht of the event though. I now this happens at every festival, concert, gathering etc, but i really don't think it gives off a good image of stoners. Hyde park, lovely green grass and such, with thousands of stoenrs squashed in like sardines. Every single one of them with bags of munchies, drinks, booze, nos canisters etc, so what does seemingly every single one of those 1000 odd people do? They eat it, drink it, inhale it, and when they leave, they just drop everything on the ground and walk off. It was fucking shameful. Must take a team of 100 people half a week to clean up. How hardis it, however stoned you are, to put your rubbish in the carrier bag you arrived with, and even just pile all the carrier bags against a tree or railing or something. but nope, a few more attendees and you migh have mistake the place for a landfill.
did your smoke land TTT??