All good man!! I misunderstood, That dude is an amazing grower, he also understands the science behind the flowering side of things really well. I've yet to see a bad crop from that guy and he has helped heaps of others start up their ops.
The hydro game is changing

They will provide some sort of improvement, what sort i'm not entirely sure, but any extra UVB/UVB is a good thing as long as temps are ok! The colour of the UVB/UVA globe is more of cool blue/white so not much heat will be created a mere 2-3 degree increase it that, and only because of the ceramic fittings. You want mainly UVB for added potency and resin coverage. This is the spectrum that really kicks things in to gear. Thanx for reminding me to add my UVB, still changing the air setup, i bought a new fan, yet to install it, so the one in there will be swapped to push fresh air in, and my new 10 inch fan will be my new exhaust, and new filter/scrubber combo. I gotta sort out the stench for this round, this Amster gets putrid in the last week.
My hood is pretty unique in that is has one end for the extracting fan (already installed) and the other for the globe, and long enough to accommodate 2 globes, or even the added UVB globe. I'm still deciding how to modify it, But its gonna be sik. It h=also has a sliding glass window that pulls the air in and around the globe, and some small vents at the top of the hood cool the shade. It does a great job at cooling the globe, BUT very noisy, i think the 6 inch built in fan is restrictive so i will be changing that for the inline i'm using at the moment, and just run it through ducting and pull the air out that way i'll just have to make a new inlet on the hood.
yeah they do, you are right there, but their output is dismal at best in the UVB range, as UVB/UVA requires ALOT of energy to disperse as the spectrums are short wide wavelengths. Need to be very close, if using LED for UVB you would need the led's to be as close as 2 inches to be effective. All added up they make nice lumens for growth, but UVB is another story all together. The technology is changing though, and this could very well change. LEDs is going into a new era of technology, not to mention society in general.

Just imagine what could happen if we used ALL THE SPECTRUMS??? could we make some sort of insane psychdelic trip erb!? cause i guarantee once tried using UVB you WILL see a difference. Vigor, Potency, appeal. Everything.
But nice input! keep your fingers crossed!! Led's could be a game changer. But so can Plasma
What's in Amsterdam Gold you ask?? well
I believe it originated in California!? a very quick flowering indica, high THC content FOR SURE

almost my new favourite strain! Its VERY POTENT. Maybe too potent for daytime. I pass out EVERY time, so i'm back on the outdoor Jack at the moment lol! I got some feedback from some mates, and they are loving it

One thing i noticed, it makes the bong REEEEEEEAL resined up, i'm cleaning it daily on the amster, i'm not sure if its the resin content or what but it tastes superb and smokes smooth as silk, it just makes the bong dirty quickly, anyone else noticed that with sticky ganja?
They are some crazy looking bugz! Much different earwigs than over here!! RED HEADS!??? Faaaaaaaark look at them nippers.