I am indeed, sir! They are going to be beautiful, I know it! The foliage is looking great, nice and dark green! TONS OF SHOOTS!! Any guesstimates on what you think im gonna yield? For fun!
Personally I shoot for 0.75g / Watt of power. In each of the 3 flowers tents I have at the Factory, each one has a 600w, and I consistantly pull out 440-460g per tent per run, about a LB. Gives you an idea of what you should be able to achieve
Something would have to go horribly wrong for you to pull under 4o/z lol i got 5.6 or so with super soil and a 400 watt hps that was probably about 15 inches from the grow for 90% of it, i would say if all goes as planned you will probably get at least a pound...