How much does weed cost you in your area?


New Member
I'm curious, how much do the following amounts of cannabis cost in your area? I am in Perth, Australia and we have some horrible prices here!

How much does it cost you for the following?

In Perth its,
1g - $25
2g - $50
3.5g - $75
14g - $200
28g - $350
for Hydro ofcourse
About the same in CT, but until Colorado started shipping their medicals all over the country, I was getting $425 easy for a zip. Fucking legalization sucks.
too much around here thats why I grow my own but I'd be looking at about $20 a gram $50-60 for a quarter in northern new england.
About the same in CT, but until Colorado started shipping their medicals all over the country, I was getting $425 easy for a zip. Fucking legalization sucks.

yeah fuck that, you can easily get O'z for 150-220ish here in the springs.... Colorado is great...LOL my older bro pays 90 for a quarter up in NY...i laugh all the time at him!
About the same in CT, but until Colorado started shipping their medicals all over the country, I was getting $425 easy for a zip. Fucking legalization sucks.

Legalisation is still better than ilegalisation aha, thats why its so pricey over here.
I'm curious, how much do the following amounts of cannabis cost in your area? I am in Perth, Australia and we have some horrible prices here!

How much does it cost you for the following?

In Perth its,
1g - $25
2g - $50
3.5g - $75
14g - $200
28g - $350
for Hydro ofcourse

  • 1g - 10
    2g 20
    3.5g 25
    14g 90
    28g 180 ----- that's for shitty stalky shit,,,, straight 240's an oz for good dense dry high grade​

yeah fuck that, you can easily get O'z for 150-220ish here in the springs.... Colorado is great...LOL my older bro pays 90 for a quarter up in NY...i laugh all the time at him!
Go ahead, kill my buzz even further. Can you get a card for depression in Colorado?
Colorado Springs is Best Springs

Dispensaries provide the following at good quality bud starting;

Grams: $5-12
8ths: $15-45
4ths: $40-90
1/2s: $80-210
Ounce: $125-360

You just gotta find the right places and the best steady supply. You may find cheaper oz's or other deals but I can't promise you it will be dank
In Ontario Canada it is;

1g = 10.00
2g = 20.00
3.5g = 35.00
14g = 110.00
28g = 230.00

and that is for some kick ass bud.
Price just went down a little, its now $860 an ounce here in Southern Madagascar. For the dank dank.
Retail dispensary: $160-$300/ounce

Bubble hash (various strains) at $20-$40/g and every now and then they have a jar of $15 stuff

Kief with various strain options for $15/gram.