Sexing done I have 3 pretty girls


Well-Known Member
Well i started with 7 and ended up with three girls not bad for a first time now if anyone could tell me if they think they look good or might be missing anything it would be great i think they look good but that could be because im so proud they did not die (I have never been able to keep a house plant alive lol) the pics show the leaves yellow but thats from the light but on one it does have a yellow leaf but only one could that be because its flowering? well anyway thank you and any suggestions will be greatly apreciated.



Well-Known Member
Well.. they look good to me! In your newfound experience, would you say that sexing isn't so much a function of time (in the ground/soil/growing) than it is maturity? I ask because I've been reading that plants can be sexed as early as 1 month into growth, yet mine are approaching 7 & 8 weeks respectively (I germinated and planted in two phases), are just pushing out their 5th and 6th nodes, and from what I can see are not expressing ANY sexual dimorphism or characteristics yet. Of course, I've lost my jeweler's loupe, and the 30x handheld microscope we have is too difficult for me to use, so... sheesh.

Anyway, they look good to me!


Well-Known Member
Well mine did not show sex till about 3 or so days ago and i had 2 hermies that i got rid of and i did not know how to sex early i just waited till i saw a bunch of balls and then choped the ones with the balls and kept the ones with the hairs so i really dont know anything about sexing early sorry i just waited till they where about a week into flowering and sure enough they made it easy for me to tell


Well-Known Member
You're going good.......but......I'm sorry... I would really get them into a bigger pot. They're ready to pop but they won't if the roots can't support the plant, plus you're almost at the point where if you bud the pot won't support the weight either...a nice new home and your plants "will" reward you...It always kills me to see people growing a plant in a shot glass and saying.."it seems small to me" .....Good luck, good start..:)


Well-Known Member
You're going good.......but......I'm sorry... I would really get them into a bigger pot. They're ready to pop but they won't if the roots can't support the plant, plus you're almost at the point where if you bud the pot won't support the weight either...a nice new home and your plants "will" reward you...It always kills me to see people growing a plant in a shot glass and saying.."it seems small to me" .....Good luck, good start..:)
Okay how big of pots should i be using? they are far from a shot glass lol


Well-Known Member
5 gallon pot would be nice to use. And omfg that is best stem ive ever seen its healthy and huge
Well thank you very much and i will pick up some new pots tomorrow they are on dark now so i will have to wait thanks for the nice comment and answer to pot size