Breeders Boutique Grow! Psycho Killer and UK clone only crosses SCROG


Well-Known Member
Mate I can't believe how this dippy is smellin! every time I have a whif I just can't believe that wot I'm smellin I'm gonna be smokin amazing is the only word for her :)

mr west

Well-Known Member
Thats just the sort of thing I thought Id hear when I put the dippy together lol. Funk + funk + funk + funk = ubafunk lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
just had a fucking right mare, spring went in the door catch for the grow room. been locked in for half an hour trying to do the old credit card down the door trick with a plastic plant label ffs. though while i was forced to be in there lol, i checked the dwc cloner and there's a single solitary white root appeared :hump: irony is i've no idea what the clones are cos guess what!? I didn't label them :roll: think that's cos their all the same they're all lemon pledge i think......


Well-Known Member
the hilarity never ceases, nice place to be locked in. You have a stash in there with you?

mr west

Well-Known Member
as someone once said, FAF. Does the laurel and hardy music kick in ya head when another calamity sttarts happening don?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Fuck av heard of folk tryin to break into ur grow room,but neva out lol
worse places to be stuck i guess...
the hilarity never ceases, nice place to be locked in. You have a stash in there with you?
i did but i was late to get to a meeting at an eco exhibition show and that's a whole nother barrell of balls uppery, i got there got my badge n that n the wife organising has a bull horn megaphone thing and is a bit shy so she says will you announce that the keynote speaker will be lisa french ( from the 7/7 bus bombing ) in the hall next door in 10. no bother says I clicked the button started speaking. nowt happened. queue puzzled looks and she walked over and turned a switch on the side on. i pulled the trigger and fuck me the thing made a hell of a screeching noise, the whole room, hundreds of people turned round. she'd flipped the siren option on. i went berty basset red composed self and said right now i've got your attention.......

if the floor could have swallowed me...
That was all part of the dream or did it happen?
A bit of stress about the ole garden eh?!
yeah just another day in my merry go round colo. i'd cry if it weren't for laughing.
as someone once said, FAF. Does the laurel and hardy music kick in ya head when another calamity sttarts happening don?
i've had the shaft into going through my head all day since we were talking about funk.


curious old fart

Well-Known Member
worse places to be stuck i guess...

i did but i was late to get to a meeting at an eco exhibition show and that's a whole nother barrell of balls uppery, i got there got my badge n that n the wife organising has a bull horn megaphone thing and is a bit shy so she says will you announce that the keynote speaker will be lisa french ( from the 7/7 bus bombing ) in the hall next door in 10. no bother says I clicked the button started speaking. nowt happened. queue puzzled looks and she walked over and turned a switch on the side on. i pulled the trigger and fuck me the thing made a hell of a screeching noise, the whole room, hundreds of people turned round. she'd flipped the siren option on. i went berty basset red composed self and said right now i've got your attention.......

if the floor could have swallowed me...

yeah just another day in my merry go round colo. i'd cry if it weren't for laughing.

That's hilarious. You handled it very well.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
my day get's weirder still.

having a really fucked up day. you don't realise just how small a world it really is. the speaker i announced was seeing the pc who was gunned down by the coward Raoul Moat who was working as family liaison officer for my gf's family when he was shot. last case as a policeman for him. feel kinda weirded out. her speech was all about self resilience, she's working in cambodia with land mine victim support. her speech was all about living life to the full after nearly being blown up on a bus, not letting anyone make you a victim and even if you've done wrong before if you've learned from it. to stop beating yourself up because you're not beating the same person.

i'm not religious and neither was she. but i deffo know this counselling thing is my calling.

feel so stupid. after her speech I asked her what was top of her bucket list. she said climbing mount Everest.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Cool, back in my twenties I was a youth counselor at a drop in advice shop for under 25's. Very satisfying work you just gotta be careful not to take on other ppls shit


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah SHAFT

Who's the black private dick
That's a sex machine to all the chicks?
Ya damn right! LOLOLOLOL

Who is the man that would risk his neck
For his brother man?
Can you dig it?

Who's the cat that won't cop out
When there's danger all about?
Right On!

They say this cat Shaft is a bad mother
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft.

He's a complicated man
But no one understands him but his woman

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Update Friday party people

1st up smelly fingrez

2 Toke Killaaaaaa bees on the swarm.


Exo, Low yields = gone. smells like the real deal but fuck knows why it's not putting out nuggage

Sweet n Sour ( straight diesel fumes )

DWC Smelly fingerez may have had a little too long in the mini cloner.....

DOG cured n stinking the gaff out.