Well-Known Member
I don't understand the grow a set part. Are you being nice to me by saying not to worry or what.
When exactly were you born again ?
I don't understand the grow a set part. Are you being nice to me by saying not to worry or what.
Does your sister watch it with you ?
Companies take credit card fraud seriously. Im not saying you are actually committing fraud, but I am saying you need to look at it from their point of view.
I suggest you use a few pr0n site or use a new credit card and be smarter about it next time.
I wasn't committing fraud, I'm just really pissed they didn't even let me prove my Identity. From what I understand now, I did nothing illegal and I have been banned, harassed, and had my card fucked up because it wasn't the same name even after I explained myself.
Before you popped a circuit with them, did you have your sister call, and try to straighten it out? You are acting like someone with a stolen credit card, when you call and argue with them, demand recompense, and have a guy's voice, for a girl's card ...
I wasn't committing fraud, I'm just really pissed they didn't even let me prove my Identity. From what I understand now, I did nothing illegal and I have been banned, harassed, and had my card fucked up because it wasn't the same name even after I explained myself.
you don't have a right to do business with them.. They have a right to NOT do business with you though. Once you grow up and break the age of 18 you may understand this. Only someone under 18 couldn't figure out how to have their own prepaid card like greendot.
If you were over 18 you would have your own greendot prepaid c.c. I had a judgement against me and still used one for years before I cleared things up. That includes a few seed orders. The fact is you are most likely under 18, only a virgin would want to "talk" to the girls to improve their morale. They are aware of what they are doing and dont care about anything but getting that money.
I disagree, these girls know what they are doing but they are mostly sad girls. And what's your point with saying "grow up" "only a virgin".
Dude, his point is that you're apparently under the age of 18.
You should be reading Dante and Descartes, not chatting up women of ill repute.
I only read playboy for the articles too...lol
Time to get your jig on somewhere else, you got busted using someone's card other than your own.
To say you're there to make them happy is the sad thing.
You make them happy by giving them your money, not your company.
I start the conversations by saying "I don't want you to do anything for me. I know this is not what you want to hear, but I'm using a prepaid debit card and have no money on it. Do you just want to bullshit" I get plenty of fuck you's and those are the ones that don't care so I just move along. But the ones that say yes they wanna just talk tend to need someone to talk to.
Are you trying to "save them" what is your intention? Are you looking for the attention rather than providing it?
Im just trying to understand why you feel you need to cheer this particular group of girls up.