Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hc those look great
I love the fat fans of the #3 pheno
Hey bassman you up to your knees in trimming todaylol, who's on the chopping block : ?)

Guess who is the frostiest of the 3 ga x (sb x bd),,,,,They all have a respectable amount already but #3 looks to have carried the resin dripper genes over. I just was checking on everyone and noticed. Perfect so far..........

bacardi 151, isopropyl (above 90%, the ones lower may have additives other than water) works but let it dry out, you don't want any of that left in there. It evaporates pretty quick though.
I'm getting a nice pile of sugar leaves and popcorn buds collected from this harvest of nhk for my first extraction. Haven't decided on the process yet, kinda depends on what I end up with for alcohol. Should have enough trim to experiment though, do you freeze your trim before you do the shake and strain method? I also have a bunch of nhk trim left over from last week's harvest that I'm going to make hash with tomorrow.

Come to think of it that's all there is in the cave right now to smoke, kush buds and kush hash. Come on Blue Dream lol, they are still 2-3 wks out though.


Well-Known Member
Def time to chop after reading this, and seeing the pics. I normally chop right at 50 days..
yeah she hasnt changed much in the last week she will be coming down tomorrow
Hey bassman you up to your knees in trimming todaylol, who's on the chopping block : ?)

Guess who is the frostiest of the 3 ga x (sb x bd),,,,,They all have a respectable amount already but #3 looks to have carried the resin dripper genes over. I just was checking on everyone and noticed. Perfect so far..........

I'm getting a nice pile of sugar leaves and popcorn buds collected from this harvest of nhk for my first extraction. Haven't decided on the process yet, kinda depends on what I end up with for alcohol. Should have enough trim to experiment though, do you freeze your trim before you do the shake and strain method? I also have a bunch of nhk trim left over from last week's harvest that I'm going to make hash with tomorrow.

Come to think of it that's all there is in the cave right now to smoke, kush buds and kush hash. Come on Blue Dream lol, they are still 2-3 wks out though.
Well I have 13 strains, and it seems like it is actually more since some clones are not the same.
So far we have these coming down:

Stank Ape
Kens GDP
maybe a purple AK
A Seeded Gods gift Purple squat pheno that has stank ape on it...but it has like 0 buds actually...weird

I think my GK and Urkle will come down in a week
My Atomic NL and indoor purple aks still need me to look at em, but prolly soon as well.
The 707hb looks almost done as well.

My Outdoor Gods Gift Tall OG pheno looks to need a week or 2

Oh and gdp x BB will comedown tomorrow or in a few days as well.
I hope to re-veg her, but there is really nothing to her except the main cola so might not be possible


Well-Known Member
I have not done the extraction myself. So from what I read was put trim and alcohol both in the freezer individually for a while. Supposedly helps limit the chlorophyll that gets extracted.


Well-Known Member
She looks good.
I wanna hear what the smoke is like.
I hear so many ppl grow it, and have heard very mixed reviews
Can't wait myself, bass! Third attempt at this mf'r finally got it up and in Super Soil, so she should be proper.
I have heard many takes on it too...I will say,she's fast flowering(<8wk),faint fruity smell, with pretty dense nugs. ATB!


Well-Known Member
Can't wait myself, bass! Third attempt at this mf'r finally got it up and in Super Soil, so she should be proper.
I have heard many takes on it too...I will say,she's fast flowering(<8wk),faint fruity smell, with pretty dense nugs. ATB!
I really prefer dense nugs.
I hate trimming if its not solid and good flower to leaf ratio


Well-Known Member
Trimming definitely blows :) Dense nugs get ya higher but they go faster I don't mind less dense buds as long as they're super frosty and worth it :)


Well-Known Member
Trimming definitely blows :) Dense nugs get ya higher but they go faster I don't mind less dense buds as long as they're super frosty and worth it :)
You mean to say that all these years I was going for THC when all I needed to do was grow denser nugs?
Don't that beat all!


Well-Known Member
lol just meant there's more thc concentrated into a smaller space usually on a denser nug. :) it just takes more of the less dense ones to get to the same place (assuming equal thc%)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I really prefer dense nugs.
I hate trimming if its not solid and good flower to leaf ratio
You want to see some real good flower to leaf ratio plants, check out whodats latest update. Made my mouth water anyways.

Couple of problems with the super bud x blue dream i have in flower now,,,,,I've been thinking they are too leafy (sugar leaves) but it's starting to look like they may get swallowed up in this last 2 week bulk up. Just checked, they are day 40 now. Seeing some potential for some serious swellage.

Got the scissors out yet :)


Well-Known Member
You want to see some real good flower to leaf ratio plants, check out whodats latest update. Made my mouth water anyways.

Couple of problems with the super bud x blue dream i have in flower now,,,,,one of them was too leafy (sugar leaves) but it's starting to look like they may get swallowed up in this last 2 week bulk up. Just checked, they are day 40 now. Seeing some potential for some serious swellage.

Got the scissors out yet :)
Trimming already.
I have rough trimmed 5-6 girls so far
Most plants arent yielding much so far, but I did pick some of the smaller ones to do 1st

I have a lil bud or 2 from each strain for samples

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Absolutely beautiful day in the green mtns. Bright blue sky, cool temps, my kind of weather. The vegging plants have been taking advantage also,,,,it's kinda like pennies from heaven. Who says money don't grow on trees. Who says cri-- doesn't pay hehe.

Had a roll-off delivered this morning so I could do my every other year clean out of the barn and a had nice lunch with my daughter. it is a good day!

Actually bassman i meant all of the sb xbd, not one of them^

......oh and made some real nice looking golden cubes of kush hash this morning too :)


Well-Known Member
Hey no one wants to trim, but everyone wants hash, so I guess you can't get everything you want :) Lots atrim = lotsa hash at least on those real frosty strains. Course on some plants the trim's almost useless, so yeah... no point then :)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Trimming already.
I have rough trimmed 5-6 girls so far
Most plants arent yielding much so far, but I did pick some of the smaller ones to do 1st

I have a lil bud or 2 from each strain for samples
With so many strains your tolerance won't have a chance to build too much. I love when I have a new dank strain in the cave or something that I haven't smoked in a while.

Hey no one wants to trim, but everyone wants hash, so I guess you can't get everything you want :) Lots atrim = lotsa hash at least on those real frosty strains. Course on some plants the trim's almost useless, so yeah... no point then :)
When is your next harvest bongwell?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Ahhh kicking back with a strong cup of coffee and a strong bowl of pot, putting my feet up finally :)

Still a little watering and stuff to do but all easy chit. Filled a 12 yard dumpster about 7/8 full with crap from the barn today,,,,,,thing is though, now all of the trash bags of used soil stand out lol. At least I don't have to hide it from anyone. Need to get it into the ground and reuse it soon :)


Well-Known Member
pre-trimmed and hund 8 girls so far.
My back is killing me now.

Man these are some skimpy ass plants!
My worst haul ever....
Ill be lucky to get a zip a plant avg, but looks like less than that to me.