Well-Known Member
get a new pc thought you were a rich man no?ok il take a look later, i just hate fucking with bios.lol
nice 1
get a new pc thought you were a rich man no?ok il take a look later, i just hate fucking with bios.lol
nice 1
get a new pc thought you were a rich man no?
Fuck, I agree. I always thought he had a bit a monster, looking at the stuff he posted, his PC is rather naff. Ic3, am I reading this right, you use onboard graphics?? (Anti 3000) I thought you were all about DVD encoding, why in heck are you not using a proper card?
chuck norris encodes dvd's with his beard.
now thats makin me think of ali g in gold chains spinnin his dick in circles singing 'you spin me right round baby right round'For some reason that just makes me think of a DJ spinning disks with his chin :/
what is all this about house inspections, is this only private rented flats or what i dont understand it, i know the land lord has a key for every flat/house but didnt know they come in a snoop aroundgoin a few weeks off course for an inspection fuck that...
pon seems to be the ref in this lmfao
If you rent your flat or house, then the landlord will perform checks, depending on how long you've been there, normally just once or twice a year, just to make sure you haven't spilt a bottle of red on the carpet or kicked a door down etc. They can be scary times, they will often ask to look everywhere. The longer you live there without issue, the more trusting they'll be and often just glance around the main rooms and leave it at that. They have a key, but you have a right to change the locks, but they have a right to request entry, but must be in writing, with the amount of notice the law requires. Basically you legally have to let them into your flat to look around.
Swings and roundabouts in a way, if you rent the flat, by law you can expect a house inspection and possible discovery of the grow, if you own the house, no inspections, but should you get caught, depending on the grow you could lose the house under the proceeds of crime laws. Basically the police say you clearly bought this through drug money, so its ours. Often how the police end up with silly expensive fast police cars. They say drugs bought this, so now its ours. So if you rent, make your landlord a friend, not an enemy, don't make him jump through hoops to complete a house inspection.
well, im a likable guy but knowing my luck id end up with a dick of a landlord
Erm, in this situation, just count yourself lucky, council houses are normally most certainly a contender for inspections. The council doesn't want you fucking up their property. It might not have happened yet, but just base your grow on the fact that it could. By law should they suddenly wish to inspect, you only have 24 or 48 hours notice before they either come in peacefully or they get the police etc involved in getting them into the building. The simple answer is if you rent, base your gorw setup on the premise that your place will get an inspection. To do otherwise is just an invitation for disaster. Luckily for me, my landlord was my mother, so i just worked some magic and, well, she never saw the grow, but she knew i was growing, asked me outright a few months ago![]()
this is a drone recording information, make sure you all gotyour tinfoil hats on.
Lmfao , I stroke cats with mine .chuck norris encodes dvd's with his beard.