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I've been lookin & lookin & lookin for the latest "Hans Panel" so a post awhile back about holding off for the new and improved "Hans Panel! anyone get one or know more about it ?????

looked at the specs for A300 looks good are they quality diodes? anyone know and are the diodes all on at once or can there be selected illumination, I think "Hans Panel' has a two or three selectable illumination patterns.
A300 are very good panels but Vipar isn't as forthcoming about the diodes they use. I tend to think of them as the Esplanade of Chinese panels. They are built to last and will test your tents strength. They could be using B-lux, they could be using shit. Either way they work and their new models are just around the corner so if you don't get a deal on an A300 don't buy it. Yet. Good Luck.

Oh yeah, the lights are all on. No adjustments.
Anyone know of links to lumigrow pro 325 or 650 journals? I'm seriously thinking about getting the 325 to go with my apaches

Only grower (pro 650)I know was Gargantuan(?) or something similar with his awesome land race genetics but he scrapped the grow early(?)......personally puff after the BS lumipar crap and their mixing of 3/5w leds I don't like the panel anymore.....The CLW 400w solar flare has higher par readings(all 5w)than the 325 and is $650 with the GFP.

Or do something risky/great for US to watch!lol and be a beta tester for the new Cannabis specific panels coming out this year by the people who make that crazy research light($7500)............your a legal grower, I would shoot the shit with them anyways to see what the "deal" is.


Ok I contacted Bysen for Helios and they told me it only comes in this ratio 660:470:640:440:460:630=6:2:2:2:1:7 and if I want custom spectrum it's 20% more is that good or should I do custom cus I dnt wanna spend

Standard config is fine and it's the same as the Mag + 2 (from pics) from what I see.............

I've been lookin & lookin & lookin for the latest "Hans Panel" so a post awhile back about holding off for the new and improved "Hans Panel! anyone get one or know more about it ?????

looked at the specs for A300 looks good are they quality diodes? anyone know and are the diodes all on at once or can there be selected illumination, I think "Hans Panel' has a two or three selectable illumination patterns.

Yeah I misspoke about Hans new all xt-e panel coming out soon, it's actually his veg panel(more blue) which is a waste of $$ as the flowering/original one veg's just fine. His all xt-e leds will come out after this summer--fall........

A300 are very good panels but Vipar isn't as forthcoming about the diodes they use. I tend to think of them as the Esplanade of Chinese panels. They are built to last and will test your tents strength. They could be using B-lux, they could be using shit. Either way they work and their new models are just around the corner so if you don't get a deal on an A300 don't buy it. Yet. Good Luck.

Oh yeah, the lights are all on. No adjustments.

Do you know if their doing the same floodlight design (budzilla/sol/etc) as everyone else???? hope not
thanks franJan, yeah i see from readin where the cree and the b-lux are higher end with binning and all, and no, Vipar doesn't list the diode makers, been studying my ass off feel i am working on a batch degree
Hey PSU, God (Guod) I hope not, unless it actually works :). Still waiting on their new site and products so we'll see.
Only grower (pro 650)I know was Gargantuan(?) or something similar with his awesome land race genetics but he scrapped the grow early(?)......personally puff after the BS lumipar crap and their mixing of 3/5w leds I don't like the panel anymore.....The CLW 400w solar flare has higher par readings(all 5w)than the 325 and is $650 with the GFP.

Or do something risky/great for US to watch!lol and be a beta tester for the new Cannabis specific panels coming out this year by the people who make that crazy research light($7500)............your a legal grower, I would shoot the shit with them anyways to see what the "deal" is.


Thanks for the input, P! I forgot about the lumipar thing, don't even remember what it was all about but recall it seemed to make sense what they were saying (kind of)...gargantuanganja had the 650 but didn't finish. Haven't seen any others online with it. Did read a customer review on growershouse that said he put up the 650 vs ss800 and the 650 did much better but who knows how reliable that review is...cali lightworks is def up there on my list, esp the 400 for $650 is SUPER tempting...

Didnt know about the beta tests for radiant/heliospectra. Just sent them an email so I'll keep you posted. But if the price is too steep it will be a no-go.

Getting another apache next month and retiring the advanced xml. Nothing wrong with it, just need to help a buddy out by selling it to him for cheap and it will give me more room to test other panels.
^^^Ask Gotham Hydroponics to price match it, they're on Ebay btw, and this way you'll get a USA warranty at least. And yes you can go full cycle with that panel, but I wouldn't do more than 1 heavily LST'd plant. Good Luck!
Low Stress Training. It's a way to keep your canopy even and to increase yield in a given space. Google is your friend :).
so... basicly i can use bonsai Technique to grow LST's plants?

Nice! But you don't want to bonsai them or you get bonsai sized buds ;).

I've heard of people using the bonsai technique for keeping lots of little mother plants.
Supposedly, the cutting you take off of them will exhibit normal growth patterns when vegged and flowered.
That being said, I wouldn't try and flower a girl that's been bonsai'd.
Good luck :)
Hey guys been looking at the 200W Diamond Series L.E.D (100 count 3w) from Advanced Lights; I've seen a couple of grows with decent results. Anyone else have an opinion about these lights? Bit pricey but the quality of the product has a pretty good reputation from what I've read so far. Any thoughts or feedback will be appreciated. Thanks everyone.
Hey guys been looking at the 200W Diamond Series L.E.D (100 count 3w) from Advanced Lights; I've seen a couple of grows with decent results. Anyone else have an opinion about these lights? Bit pricey but the quality of the product has a pretty good reputation from what I've read so far. Any thoughts or feedback will be appreciated. Thanks everyone.

Damn their still charging $545 for that old panel?!.............get the CLW 200w solar flare(165w) for better overall quality and diodes. Built in the USA and cheaper than the chinese(diamond) panel ! go figure:P

Hello, I've been lurking on the roll it up boards for quite awhile now. I've done two cfl based grows in a pretty basic bucket hydro system in a 24"*36" closet tent. I've been very interested in LED lights for some time and I now have the space and ability to increase my grow area. There are many more light retailers now than I can keep track of, but 2 extremes caught my eye.

First the A51 panels looks awesome and everyone here seems to be pretty happy with the old models, the new ones look quite awesome spec wise to me. The biggest thing I was wondering with the 51 panel was if it could really cover its recommodel d area of 25"*36" with only 165 watts. That wattage is quite impressive. Which if that's the case I don't mind paying a premium price for what appears to be one of the most efficient systems I've seen on these forums.

That brings me to the cheap side. Bysen leds. With bysen i have been looking at the 140w model that they offer. It appears though that the bysen may only cover 60% of the space an A51 can cover based on what I've read assuming I haven't read wrong.

So what my question boils down to is if the A51 is really able to cover the space it claims at that wattage, which means it would quickly pay for itself over the course of a few grows.
Yeah eh does not bullshit the specs of his a51.They should be spot on. Bysen are good. Eh gave them some what a good review. They do not pull the watts they state on bysen. The 420 watt pulls 330w. There are 12 modules with 12 3w and 8 1w. The 3w run at 1.6 -1.8w red / white blue. The center 1watts total 7.1 w. They do drive them soft. Which makes the last longer. I was finally told different by another agent. My new one now is stefan

I would go with a51 if you can afford it. If cost is an issue then bysen.
I got a couple Area 51 sgs-160s and I think the best coverage is going to be 24" wide by 30" long over 2' plants.

For the price of 1 Area 51, you could buy 2 Blackstar 240s, a couple of E.shines, Cidlys or Bysens etc. and be very happy.

2 Area 51s in that space would be the ultimate!
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