Help, posting pics from android phone.


Well-Known Member
Here are the steps. Plug phone into computer with USB/Mini USB cable. Set connection type to "Mount as drive" when the dialog comes up on your phone or if doesnt come up look in your notification area to change it. Once this is done navigate to "My Computer" and it will show up as removable storage like a flash drive or external drive would. Next navigate to the "DCIM" directory under the root of your phone my just clicking on the drive your phone mounted. Your pictures will be in there. Now you can upload them to rollitup, through the insert image feature while posting. Any questions? ask away.


Staff member
you will have to access full site and not the mobile version than you will be able to post photos


Well-Known Member
Fo sho, I had a lot of issues when I first joined..turned out I was on the mobile version vs the full site on my phone, for some reason the mobile version has many features dissabled and or hidden..a good example is, their is no "go advanced" button and you are unable to manage attatchments.