Bathing was not a common practice before running water.
Not in my clan. LoL. But then, we built long houses on river shores, and our sweat lodges at the edge. Moot point, I think, though. I think there are only like 3 members here who remember a time without running water.
It was more a comment on how men, when unwashed, are disguising, but no mention was made of women. No offense to you was meant (by that, or this, post.) When a guy doesn't wash for a couple of days, he'll normally stink like sweat and ass. When a woman skips grooming, it's generally more noticeable. The person I quoted had, in my very haughty, egotistical, and in no manner humble opinion, was claiming that it was an exclusively uncircumcised male problem. It's not, it's a hygiene problem.
Me, I'm all for having been circumcised. I don't have to be arsed to diddle myself, just to get cleaned up.