I have visual... "tracers" sometimes, but I can't attribute these simply to mushrooms as I did a fair a mount of white blotter in high school (30 tabs or so over 3 years). I had tried mushrooms a few times by then but they just weren't around much in our circle. The first overwhelming one I had experienced was actually when I was taking my ASVAB test to get into the ARMY. Was sitting in a pure white room staring at a blue computer screen for a couple hours and I looked up and things were happening everywhere. Mostly little 'color comets' flying around and there were hundreds I'd say...
I couldn't smoke in the ARMY (obviously) so that's when I started getting more into mushrooms as we could get the best there was to get in Amsterdam, and I never noticed any increase in the amount of visual tracers or the frequency of them. To the contrary, I actually notice less of them nowadays. I always dosed heavy on them as well, because I'm a visual kind of guy, the more colors and shape shifting the better for me! You wanna see some colors, try Pan Copelandias!
I wouldn't worry too much about the residual effects of shrooms, or how much you take when you do dose. IME, Cubensis aren't nearly the strongest psychedellics out there and for me, have some of the least amount of undesireable feelings associated with them, both when on them and after.
+1 for your own mind playing tricks and perhaps... being scared enough to 'see' things?