Rachel Tension
luamnii 600 watt sun blast and lumanii ballest
its brand new the light the ballest its all new
luamnii 600 watt sun blast and lumanii ballest
its brand new the light the ballest its all new
its brand new the light the ballest its all new
Alright shit stains how's it goin? Fucking pissing it down were I am.
They didn't turn up this morning closet prob b Monday. Lazy ass Royal Mail lol
if it comes on evry time u hit it an then goes off 5 secs later, here are sum posibilitys, socket as above, unlikely but check, the lamp itself whist bein aged is prob functional so it must be faulty ballast, the ovva thing to check is that u are not trippin a relay on the main board v unlikely wiv 1 600, so prob dodgy ballast ....is it digi or mag new or old and what is the rating ?hi there am new to this web site and new to growing weed can any one help me with a small problem my light goes on then 5 seconds
later it cuts out ????? sum one plz help
Try and plug it in at another socket, if it still happens then spooning is right. it's fooked!
glad you got it sorted yes its safe, just inconvenient!thanks mate it works fine i tried it a socket in my room just means i have to now run a cord to my attic cause the plug up there obv aint very good lol . thanks once again man
p.s is it safe just to turn my light off at the wall with out a timer lol
What is? red jyou've been framed just aint the same without a fat one or a nice bong
haven't smoked in well over a week for the 1st time since way back when !true... nothing like a good old smoke to put things in perspective, just wish there was more of a supply where i am
shocking ay its shit over here never used to be this badhaven't smoked in well over a week for the 1st time since way back when !
Gonna have to put my plants into flower sooner than i wanted to at this rate our kid.shocking ay its shit over here never used to be this bad
aye it probly will be Monday mate. Uch your not in a rush for them,are you