Train Wreck 2 weeks in Fox Farm Ocean Forest. Should i add nutrients or just transpla


hey guys, so my 21 day old seedling is looking a little down today and i was just wondering if its because of overwater, the container is too small and i need to transplant into new soil, or finally i just need to start adding nutes. My first theory is that the plants droopy leaves are simply a result of not enough oxygen, therefore they can be cured by transplanting into a bigger pot along with new FFOF. so my question is, if i do this will i need to add nutes or just allow the nutrient rich soil do its thing. the second possibility is that i have just over watered it. My final question is, could i add nutes now (maybe at 1/4 strength) and then transplant into new FFOF in a few days. Im kinda tempted to add nutes now just because i want my plant to get those nutrients, just as a little boost. O yeah, is it also possible that the plants are getting, too much nutrients? thanks guys.

photo-15.jpgphoto-16.jpgphoto-17.jpgphoto-18.jpgthis has been here for about a week, probably nut burn right?

Noob grower1

Active Member
Do not add nutes yet. Ide transplant n just plain ol water ffof has plenty of nutes. Can last easy a month and ide go ahead n put her in like a 1gal pot lil water n ull be good.. what kind of light u got?

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Hmmm its showing signs of either Overwatering/ and/or/peat based compost starving the roots of oxygen, so young tho and could be a number of other things.


Well-Known Member
FFOF is loaded with nutrients you won't need nutrients for the first 1 or 2 months... if anything just sprinkle a little worm castings after a month


for right now i leave them under a really bright southern facing window and at night i put them under 3 5500k cfls totaling 69 watts. However i plan to order a 4 lamp 96w t5 system today.


This sounds accurate and i plan to to transplant today into a mixture of FFOF and perlite. I was thinking 25% perlite and 75% FFOF, which hopefully will better aerate the the soil because she looks a little oxygen starved at this point. thanks again.


Well-Known Member
i would transplant em into a larger container and water in good, make sure you have good drainage. judging by the looks of the soil they dont appear to be overwatered. like people above have said FFOF has plenty of nutrition in it to last a good while, i wouldnt bother adding any nutrients yet as they could potentially do more harm than good.

make sure when you transplant you water the plant in good, saturate the soil so you have good runoff then let them drain. as long as your using a decent potting soil (which you are) and your container has drain holes (which it does) then overwatering is pretty difficult to achieve. you can water your plants daily and still not over water them. Overwatering really is mis leading because its not over watering that happens, its drowning. when you have soil that dosent drain good or im proper drain holes in your container it dosent alow the soil to drain out to the proper moisture content thus your roots are sitting in mud, and they are drowning.

in my opinion they seem to be possibly root bound and not getting enough light. canabis is a light loving plant and will thrive its best in large amounts of direct intense lighting.


Well-Known Member
This sounds accurate and i plan to to transplant today into a mixture of FFOF and perlite. I was thinking 25% perlite and 75% FFOF, which hopefully will better aerate the the soil because she looks a little oxygen starved at this point. thanks again.
it looks wilty like its thirsty.


i would transplant em into a larger container and water in good, make sure you have good drainage. judging by the looks of the soil they dont appear to be overwatered. like people above have said FFOF has plenty of nutrition in it to last a good while, i wouldnt bother adding any nutrients yet as they could potentially do more harm than good.

make sure when you transplant you water the plant in good, saturate the soil so you have good runoff then let them drain. as long as your using a decent potting soil (which you are) and your container has drain holes (which it does) then overwatering is pretty difficult to achieve. you can water your plants daily and still not over water them. Overwatering really is mis leading because its not over watering that happens, its drowning. when you have soil that dosent drain good or im proper drain holes in your container it dosent alow the soil to drain out to the proper moisture content thus your roots are sitting in mud, and they are drowning.

in my opinion they seem to be possibly root bound and not getting enough light. canabis is a light loving plant and will thrive its best in large amounts of direct intense lighting.
First off, thanks for your comment. I agree that she looks root bound and i will definitely transplant today. Another thing i just noticed is the yellowing of the first two real leaves (as you can see in the last picture) is this a result of not watering enough or something else, thanks.


Active Member
Overwatering can be fatal. do not do this. Another thinsg os, what water do you use. ph? Is it clean?

and young plants do not need feeding. the only thing i view as acceptable food tor babies is worm castings. I dont feed until flowers start to appear. Even some comercial soils are so hot outta tha bag, thier starters can curl leaves on babies.