Moving to the US


Well-Known Member
I didn't freak out about said ass, I didn't complain, get irritated, or anything else...I simply said it's not my area of experience, and I like less dick with my ass. That's not homophobic, that's just being who I was born to be. Respect my rights as a heterosexual!


New Member
I didn't freak out about said ass, I didn't complain, get irritated, or anything else...I simply said it's not my area of experience, and I like less dick with my ass. That's not homophobic, that's just being who I was born to be. Respect my rights as a heterosexual!
So you do like dick tho?


Well-Known Member
Trolling if you're coming out it's ok buddy. We accept you. Everything is fine. Relax, Put your feet up, smoke a bowl.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
My bud lives in Hawaii but everything is expensive and the natives arnt very nice (not all of them).
The weather can be wet or dry depending on which side of the island you live on.
It can be hard to hook up with someone at first and natural plants just don't grow all over the place.
Easier to grow inside.
Always warm with a breeze though.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
My bud lives in Hawaii but everything is expensive and the natives arnt very nice (not all of them).
The weather can be wet or dry depending on which side of the island you live on.
It can be hard to hook up with someone at first and natural plants just don't grow all over the place.
Easier to grow inside.
Always warm with a breeze though.
yup, very expensive and us 'natives' aren't very nice

told ya hawai'i sucks gang. don't come here....

I'll meet you at the airport though granny ;) I'll give you v.i.p. service

Major Malarky

Active Member
Easy killer. Umad and you need to chill. I simply pointed out how you got played, something you had just got done exclaiming to someone else.

You are definitely barking up the wrong tree coming at me brah. Especially considering you have all of 115 posts. Trolling trolled you. Umad. He wins. End of game.

Please insert another quarter, wipe your pussy, and play again kiddo.

Good day to you sir.

Brah... are you one of them americans that like to talk south african. you guys take this way to seriously


Virtually Unknown Member
Yes she is from over their, and we do have flats, lifts, and chips. But we don't have gasoline, potatoe chips, and thanksgiving. Just because we don't all speak the same doesn't mean we are any different. No one mocks the way you speak so what gives you the right to mock us brits, live and let live I say, and theirs me thinking you liked the way we speak, were you just taking the piss when you commented on my accent in another thread, I thought you were being kind how wrong was I, when all along you think I talk shite.:sad:
Uh,ohhh. Looks like I fucked up. Granny, I absolutely did not mean this in a hurtful way. If I went overboard and was an asshole (as I have been known to be), I apologize. You can all pile on and beat me like a rented mule.

Major Malarky

Active Member
Uh,ohhh. Looks like I fucked up. Granny, I absolutely did not mean this in a hurtful way. If I went overboard and was an asshole (as I have been known to be), I apologize. You can all pile on and beat me like a rented mule.
put him in the stocks...... tomato's at the ready

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Uh,ohhh. Looks like I fucked up. Granny, I absolutely did not mean this in a hurtful way. If I went overboard and was an asshole (as I have been known to be), I apologize. You can all pile on and beat me like a rented mule.
Well I will let you off then, just this once though it must never happen again :-P I had you on my vip list and almost took you off, but I read your apology in the nick of time (more brit humor). So we will start again you can teach me some of your language and I will teach you some of mine. Oh and i'm to much of of a lady to beat you, and infact if you were a rented mule i'd be extra nice to you us brits love our animals. friends again okay :hug: