What's the worst strain and breeder you've dealt with?

That's EXTREMELY interesting.

So GW has complete genetic control over plant cannabinoids and can create any strain it likes to create cannabinoids in any ratio it likes.

This is fawesome.

Its probably cost them millions of dollars and years of research to do that. Why *shouldn't* they have a patent on any lines they've created this way? Good for them.

So long as the patent is properly limited to 20 years (or some other reasonable time period) I don't have a problem with this at all.
You will when DEA raids you on their behalf to eliminate competition to their $150 a pill SAtivex rather than allowing you to grow your own

Hopefully you are not a "State Registered and Licensed MMJ Grower" those lists gonna make it real easy for the DEA
Please explain to me how the Feds can possibly know which genetics I'm growing.
I'd really like to hear this.

I said "chattel slavery" (look it up) was illegal.
I didn't say it doesn't exist.

Unlike hash oil, Sativex is a pharmaceutically controlled product. . .ie every dose of it contains precise amounts of specific cannabinoids.

You're right that there are big business interests that will push to have this be the only legal medical cannabinoid, but bluntly, the trend in the USA is going against it. If "recreational" cannabis is legal, then any particular formulation for medical purposes will also be legal.

If you're a doctor and you're going to "prescribe" a cannabinoid, do you want to prescribe some shaky hash oil made with lighter-grade butane in someone's garage, or are you going to prescribe the consistent pharmaceutical grade product made by a recognized drug company? For the good of your patients, I think the latter is the ONLY appropriate choice, assuming its functionally equivalent.

As a parallel to that, "if" Sativex is approved for domestic medical use in the USA (which may happen in the next few years) that will also open up the door to all sort of OTHER cannabinoid based pharmaceuticals too. So Sativex wouldn't be the "only game in town" for long.
The Feds will not legalize mj and this is why...They do not give a fuck what the people nor the States are doing...its a farce....they let it go this long so they can get the lists and the raid and scare everyone into submission
I don't count failed germinations as "bad" because I typically only pop one strain at a time.

The topic of this thread is "worst strain and breeders", right?

Personally, I don't think its fair to trash a breeder just because one of their packs had a poor germination rate.

There are a lot of different reasons why that can happen and many of them can be totally out of the hands of the breeder. For example, ceeds can be mishandled (eg exposed to high temperatures) in transport from the ceedbank to buyer, reducing their viability, or stored improperly by the ceedbank. That's not the breeder's fault.

Seedstock could be old. . .for a variety of reasons, reducing the germination rate, and again, not necessarily the breeders fault.

Don't get me wrong, poor germination CAN be a breeder issue, if they don't have proper quality control. . .I'm just saying you probably can't know what the problem is, or who is at fault with just one bad pack, that's all.

IMO a "bad breeder" is one offering poor genetics. That could be consistently hermie-prone lines, low-potency/poor tasting/disease prone ones, lines producing plants completely unlike their descriptions or ad copy, or a variety of other issues.
First the FEDS dont care what the dna is...MJ CULTIVATION IS A FED FELONY..you only need its presence regardless of strain

GW will be king for 20 years
If they've earned it with a superior product, I don't mind.

They've taken the financial risk and done the work, let them make the money with their patent. . .if they can defend it.

This is the reason the FED wont change mj laws and they dont give a fuck about the state laws you know
I disagree.

You can't expect movement of this on a Federal level until/unless its captured a majority of States first.

Right now legal marijuana is at a public policy tipping point with roughly half the voting population supporting it, and that support demographic only continues to get stronger.

With increasing numbers of States legalizing MMJ, and now some even legalizing/decriminalizing recreational MJ, Its only a matter of time before this becomes forced as a federal issue.

I wouldn't be holding my breath for full Federal legalization anytime soon, but I'd expect re-classification of cannabinoids out of medical schedule I in the next ten years, if not sooner. In the meantime, you can expect MMJ to reach several more states during that time, and probably legal recreational MJ in at least a few (I'm looking at you, Nevada, Oregon, CA, and maybe even Vermont).

A good analogy is gay marriage. Eight years ago, Obama was against gay marriage. But SURPRISE. . .right before the last election, "all of a sudden" his position "evolved" and he became pro gay marriage. The same thing is going to happen with legal MJ, and for the EXACT same reason. . .with more and more voters supporting it, its going to become politically untenable for centrist politicians NOT to support it.

You will when DEA raids you on their behalf to eliminate competition to their $150 a pill SAtivex rather than allowing you to grow your own
In what universe is this going to happen? My three plants aren't a "threat" to GW's cannabinoid controlled pharmaceuticals.

The BATFE isn't kicking down my door because I'm brewing a case of beer, and I wouldnt' expect them to do even if I distilled a few pints of whisky, so long as I kept my mouth shut about it.

The DEA isn't going to kick down my door for a few opium poppies growing in my backyard. They're still a Federal agency with limited resources. Yeah, if I were growing a 1000 plant plot, I'd be worried. But there is simply no political impetus for the DEA to raid small individual growers right now, and I can't see that happening any time soon.

And to the contrary, any administration making a policy of tossing cancer-stricken granny in jail for growing two weed plants is going to find itself on the wrong end of a major negative political backlash.

I think your concern that the Fed gov't is going to try to carve out medical/pharmaceutical MJ as a drug-store pharmaceutical only, with the herb itself being illegal as another one, is perfectly valid. But there is only so far they can take that. The Fed can't kick down everyone's door, and if the States are permitting recreational MJ, medical MJ will have to be permitted too.
I just don't want to live in this world anymore.
People think they own plants, when plants own you.
It's fucking sadness at its finest not capitalism.
You want to argue a moot point with me for what?
To satisfy your ego? To make yourself sound right?
Because a certain portion of the people agree on one
thing doesn't make anything true or false. It's all up
to opinion. If you're not here to open up your mind
and to think differently; why are you still breathing?

Am I the only one high on here?


Tongue-in-cheek is a phrase used as a figure of speech to imply that a statement or other production is humorously or otherwise not seriously intended and it should not be taken at face value. The facial expression typically indicates that one is joking or making a mental effort.[SUP][1][/SUP] In the past, it may also have indicated contempt, but that is no longer common.[SUP][2][/SUP] By 1842, the phrase had acquired its contemporary meaning similar to "take what I am saying with a grain of salt," indicating that a statement was not meant to be taken seriously.[SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP] Early users of the phrase include Sir Walter Scott in his 1828 The Fair Maid of Perth.
I just don't want to live in this world anymore.
People think they own plants, when plants own you.
It's fucking sadness at its finest not capitalism.
You want to argue a moot point with me for what?
To satisfy your ego? To make yourself sound right?
Because a certain portion of the people agree on one
thing doesn't make anything true or false. It's all up
to opinion. If you're not here to open up your mind
and to think differently; why are you still breathing?

Am I the only one high on here?


Very simple solution to your not liking to live in this world you know. See ya
DJ Short.

F13 was the hermiest, stringiest, low-potency strain I have grown in 30 years. Nice taste, pleasant high (even though it wasn't strong), but low vigour, stringy growth pattern and 6 out of 9 females turned hermaphrodite (and it wasn't environmental).

For US$160 for 10 seeds, the least he could have done was tested them before releasing them. I'm not the only one who has complained of hermies and poor yields, either - there have been many complaints about F13 since it was released.

I'll never trust a DJ Short strain again - I'll leave it to other breeders like Chimera and Steve (SOL) to work his genetics into their own crosses. Those guys know how to test and release a strain.
I just don't want to live in this world anymore. People think they own plants, when plants own you. It's fucking sadness at its finest not capitalism.
What strain are you smoking right now and where can I find some of it?

Because a certain portion of the people agree on one thing doesn't make anything true or false. It's all up to opinion.
I agree that popular consensus doesn't, by itself, make things true, but ownership of property and the rule of law are pretty much universal human beliefs, true across every human society since the dawn of recorded history. You certainly don't have to respect the law or property rights, but they most certainly do exist, and if you ACT as if they don't you'll be setting yourself up for a BIG problem.

As to everything being "opinion", I disagree (you could say I have a different opinion!). Empirically, certain things ARE true or false, whether you believe them to be so or not.

Just because you believe that aliens from the planet Zog are controlling your thoughts, doesn't make that true.

And just because the truth of something may not be known, or may not be widely appreciated, doesn't mean there is no truth.

If you're not here to open up your mind and to think differently; why are you still breathing?
Hey, you're the one who says they don't want to live here anymore. Why are YOU still breathing? Don't you have some kind of work to do?

I'm all for keeping an "open mind", just not so open that my brains fall out of my head and go "splat" on the floor.
The topic of this thread is "worst strain and breeders", right?

Personally, I don't think its fair to trash a breeder just because one of their packs had a poor germination rate.

There are a lot of different reasons why that can happen and many of them can be totally out of the hands of the breeder. For example, ceeds can be mishandled (eg exposed to high temperatures) in transport from the ceedbank to buyer, reducing their viability, or stored improperly by the ceedbank. That's not the breeder's fault.

Seedstock could be old. . .for a variety of reasons, reducing the germination rate, and again, not necessarily the breeders fault.

Don't get me wrong, poor germination CAN be a breeder issue, if they don't have proper quality control. . .I'm just saying you probably can't know what the problem is, or who is at fault with just one bad pack, that's all.

IMO a "bad breeder" is one offering poor genetics. That could be consistently hermie-prone lines, low-potency/poor tasting/disease prone ones, lines producing plants completely unlike their descriptions or ad copy, or a variety of other issues.
a best b4 date is needed. also sealed breeder packs should be mandatory. good breeders stress test plants and throw out all hermies while in a breeding project. guys like swerve that just make crosses with low yieldnhermie prone and rip off customers with paypal fraud. even the guys humping his leg cant get yield lol
DJ Short.

F13 was the hermiest, stringiest, low-potency strain I have grown in 30 years. Nice taste, pleasant high (even though it wasn't strong), but low vigour, stringy growth pattern and 6 out of 9 females turned hermaphrodite (and it wasn't environmental).

For US$160 for 10 seeds, the least he could have done was tested them before releasing them. I'm not the only one who has complained of hermies and poor yields, either - there have been many complaints about F13 since it was released.

I'll never trust a DJ Short strain again - I'll leave it to other breeders like Chimera and Steve (SOL) to work his genetics into their own crosses. Those guys know how to test and release a strain.

I thought his Blueberry was quite unimpressive in all respects also. Maybe I had bad phenos as I only ended up with two ladies. Sparse yielder, average at best buzz/effects, and not a standout taste like you'd expect. His True Blueberry (which gets much less promo) was much better in high/taste/yield across the board (especially taste - strongly Anise) but even that seemed a bit weak in comparison with what's out there nowadays. I really don't think DJS is the choice if you are looking for extra potent ganja. His reputation drew me in but from my experience and what I hear from others, the results (at least recently) don't really match the rep. Spice of Life's Blubonic blew the doors off DJ's two BB offerings by a wide margin.
Worst strain, hmm want to say AK48 the shit was like smoking horse hay also blue berry. Worst breeder without a doubt Samsara seeds, My last crop was Samsara seeds Crazy Miss Hyde 2 crops I had some hermaphrodites also with Samsara seeds Mazar, I know this is most the time the growers fult for stressing the plant in some way but I have been growing for 3 1/2 years now and only had hermaphrodites problems with that breeder. Crazy miss hide and there mazar is very good smoke but stay away from Samsara seeds fem seeds or watch your crop like a hawk.
I thought his Blueberry was quite unimpressive in all respects also. Maybe I had bad phenos as I only ended up with two ladies. Sparse yielder, average at best buzz/effects, and not a standout taste like you'd expect. His True Blueberry (which gets much less promo) was much better in high/taste/yield across the board (especially taste - strongly Anise) but even that seemed a bit weak in comparison with what's out there nowadays. I really don't think DJS is the choice if you are looking for extra potent ganja. His reputation drew me in but from my experience and what I hear from others, the results (at least recently) don't really match the rep. Spice of Life's Blubonic blew the doors off DJ's two BB offerings by a wide margin.

When Blueberry first came around maybe it really did stand out as something really special compared to the strains available at the time. There are some good things about it and his other strains. I am not overly impressed. I also find it very odd that he uses herm males.
I just think DJ's stuff is waaay overpriced. I respect the fact he did a lot of groundwork many years ago to develop his blue lines, but his seeds are amongst the most expensive - if not the most expensive - out there, and they're just not that great. For that sort of money your expectations are high. Yet there are so many better strains for a fraction of the price - including his joint projects with Chimera and Steve (as already mentioned).

Case in point: I really fancied buying his Azure Haze the other day and agonised and agonised over it . . . Yet the bottom line was still the bottom line. I didn't want to get burned again spending $160+ for 10 poor-quality seeds. If they were more reasonably priced, I could put up with a herm or two - especially if what was left was quality smoke. But I haven't even found that . . . By all accounts, it's not just his F13 that's sub-par.
I just think DJ's stuff is waaay overpriced. I respect the fact he did a lot of groundwork many years ago to develop his blue lines, but his seeds are amongst the most expensive - if not the most expensive - out there, and they're just not that great. For that sort of money your expectations are high. Yet there are so many better strains for a fraction of the price - including his joint projects with Chimera and Steve (as already mentioned).

Case in point: I really fancied buying his Azure Haze the other day and agonised and agonised over it . . . Yet the bottom line was still the bottom line. I didn't want to get burned again spending $160+ for 10 poor-quality seeds. If they were more reasonably priced, I could put up with a herm or two - especially if what was left was quality smoke. But I haven't even found that . . . By all accounts, it's not just his F13 that's sub-par.

I can no longer rationalize paying the HUGE price for companies like DJ Short, Sensi, and Mr. Nice just because they are older and have a longer track record. Companies like Bodhi, Rare Dankness, and Ace (just to name 3) have strains that I'm sure are way more dank overall and cost about half as much. I know the reputations link back to stability of their lines but I've grown from all 3 of those companies and found a good deal of variation and found quite a bit of disappointment. If I spend close to $200 (or more) on 10 beaners, it better be worth it! I learned the hard way years ago and found less expensive alternatives that were actually better.
First grow in years and I bought from single seed for assortment and free seeds. I got Nirvana< Blue Mystic(auto) and White Widow, Dinafem< Critical Jack(auto) and OG Kush, Seedsman< ATA Tundra and White Widow, Short Stuff< Himilayan Blue Diesel(auto) and Bomb< Berry Bomb.

All were up and running in 3 days, Now @ 45 days, I like all of them and have no issues. I will run these for the next Grow with clones so I dont plan on buying again till fall.

Good thread, if taken with a grain of salt.
Well in Shanti and Neville's defence, as least when you buy a Mr Nice strain you get 18 seeds in a pack. And SSH is to this day still an outstanding strain, while Neville's Haze would have to be one of my all-time favourites. You're right about the variability, but the genetics are there. And with 18 seeds in a pack you can generally find a nice clone mother.