Firearms Freindly Collective?

: any of various automatic or semiautomatic firearms;especially : assault rifle
And this is what it means? Any of variou automatic or semi. So a2 shot hunting rifle could be a assualt weapon because it is semiautomatic according to websters. So Buck, find a real definition please, something that has meaning not a broad statement like this
A double action revolver could be deemed an assault weapon. It does load ammunition for itself everytime the trigger is used to fire the weapon.

This thread really brought out everyone's asshat.

Obama this, republicans that.

Seriously, if you own a gun for protection, that's fine, use it for protection.

But if some people don't like the idea, or feel uncomfortable with being around others, locked and ready to "protect",

Then so be it. This is America, you may have the right to bear arms, but I also have the right not to like it, and speaking my mind about it is as American as it gets.

Quit pointing fingers and wake up to the idea that what makes us a great nation is our ability to accept others for what THEY believe.

Gun nuts act like THE only law the matters is the right to bear arms, and act surprised when the government tries to take our rights?

They put people in jail for growing a plant. Keep acting like a machine gun ban is infringing your rights, while 1 million Americans are jailed And fined for owning a plant each year. Children are taken away from parents. As soon as Obama wants to take your child away ffrom you for owing a gun, I will have sympathy for you.

They have taken away children, and made gun owners choose betewwn kids and guns, there are cases right now about such things, you can look it up. Gun owners and potheads face very similar legal and social difficulties.

so im just gonna say federal crime. weed+guns=long jail time.

State law supercedes via tenth amendment. Otherwise, you need a cite.

My thoughts on guns have changed lately. I have never had an issue with people owning guns, but I didn't see the logic in carrying everywhere in public. I have backed off of that and understand why people want to have guns on them in public now.

What baffles me though is the resistance from the gun advocates to background checks. If some one is mentally fit, and has been adequately trained, they should be able to carry their guns with them at all times. If someone is right off their rocker then they shouldn't be able to own a gun period. There is just no reasonable argument to me that justifies allowing any random person to go to a gun show and buy whatever weapon they please and however many rounds they please with no questions asked. There are higher standards than that in place to log on to a porn website.

Background checks are an expensive headache that has failed grandly thusfar. They clame that 1.4 million criminals have been denied access to firearms annually due to the existing NICS background check. Bullshit! Those numbers are denials that happen at random, sometimes for no good reason at all. I have seen LEO get denied on NICS before, and 94% of those denials are reversed within hours or days.

The fifth amendment renders mute any findings to a defendant in a criminal case, because the criminal would be compelled to submit to a background check which would violate his right to not incriminate himself. Therefore, the background check only serves to apply to the law abiding, which is, ....pointless. A background check creates a registry, official, unofficial, who knows, but it causes a registry. Conspiracy, no. Proof is in the way it is handled. Every time a person buys a gun, the background check is done. Once a week, once a year, whenever the transaction is made. So this is where people who think, start to think. Wait a fucking minute... this isnt about a background check on a person, this is a way to get the guns serial number on a federal document, and all sales without one should be illegal. Wait,... oh, I see. The persons background check doesnt need a serial number at all, and why are they doing the same background check with the same background on each firearm. It doesnt have to do with the person at all does it. If they say that they dont plan on a registry, then why do they need the serial number from the firearm? Why write it down at all? The gun I'm buying came from the factory, it want stolen, nor used in a crime, no reason to have that number. Unless, they wish to keep that number somewhere, and tie it to a name.

what i meant was. uncle buck, if you had a gun, you wouldn't have the ballsack to use to save own life. let alone your wife, poor girl. and God forbid, children?
I hope North Korea sends one of their special made dick shaped missiles to uncleducks house i could see it now, uncleduck wakes up and goes outside to pick up the newspaper, he lets out a big yawn, with his mouth widest it can be he swallows the whopping 4" korean dick missile
I hope North Korea sends one of their special made dick shaped missiles to uncleducks house i could see it now, uncleduck wakes up and goes outside to pick up the newspaper, he lets out a big yawn, with his mouth widest it can be he swallows the whopping 4" korean dick missile

4'' is whopping?

wow. how hung are you? :lol:
although i notice-

you did not rebuff my indictment. i have clearly been known as one who would serve prison time over witnessing pedophilia. my pea brain simply cannot with stand it. we missed you for a day? blessings, i hope.