The UK Growers Thread!

trichome 1

Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah, the first ripped look is what I'm after. Don't get me wrong I'm not wanting HUGE. Just a couple of stone muscle mass. I think that bloated look is ugly,jmo
dbol does make you bloated but it will increase your strength more than any other oral bar anadrol,and most of the bloat is water retention which goes after use and leaves you looking more ripped than you was when you was on dbol,and some of the strength gained on dbol is keepable and you will gain more muscle mass on dbol than you would on winnie,if you want a ripped look then anavar is a good option,i would be doing dbol if it made you stay bloated lol that goes leaving a nice body,armie done test and dbol cycles throughout his career and he was never bloated on films coz he waited a few weeks till the water weight went, if you want a cut look then do test and anavar/masteron stack:)

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member

Until you've spent 16 years in the licensed trade, studied licensing law exclusively for 4 months in order to sit an exam, paid £300 to sit the exam, passed the exam and got one of these.....


You can kiss my arse on what you think you know about alcohol and it's legality!


Well-Known Member
dbol does make you bloated but it will increase your strength more than any other oral bar anadrol,and most of the bloat is water retention which goes after use and leaves you looking more ripped than you was when you was on dbol,and some of the strength gained on dbol is keepable and you will gain more muscle mass on dbol than you would on winnie,if you want a ripped look then anavar is a good option,i would be doing dbol if it made you stay bloated lol that goes leaving a nice body,armie done test and dbol cycles throughout his career and he was never bloated on films coz he waited a few weeks till the water weight went, if you want a cut look then do test and anavar/masteron stack:)
Ffs all these different ones. I thought you just dropped a couple of pills and away you go lmao

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
i read you had a bit of gyno from anadrol,did you try anything to combat the problem or has it only reduced in size,that is my worst nightmare its not too bad having a pea size lump but if it gets bigger on cycle it can give bitch tits,i always thought that the gyno can go with the use of anti e's maybe im wrong though I hope I get no neg sides on cycle,my twin didn't get any so im hoping our genetics are so similar that I wont either lol,do you do any roid anymore or has that put you off? and is there anyway you can get rid of the lumpwithout surgery? :)
I'll tell you anything you want to know about my experiences with steds mate and anything I know about gear in general you're welcome to the information.

PM me an email addy and we'll do it that way cos it's futile here.


trichome 1

Well-Known Member
i thought this thread was for people to share and care about the plant we ALL love, not for a bunch of roid heads get a grip guys
its nice to chat about different things from time to time :) I will talk about my grow lol,i topped both my white rhino and super bud a few day ago and the super bud is sprouting 2 tops so I done this right :) but even better news for my white rhino is I missed the top and there are now four tops sprouting from her:) so what i'll do is wait a couple of weeks and fim the super bud and top the whit rhino,i gave magne cal today as she was mag def so hopfully she will grow greener leaves now,also im waiting on some superthrive and will give both that with there next feed,ive bought a cooler and should come within 3 days to help with my temps as the are 26c at the moment but that is with the door slightly open and the light is annoying fcuk out of me and making me super paranoid about leaving the front room,bathroom,kitchen doors shut at all times so no-one see's the light lol,with my cupboard door shut temps get to 33c so I hope the cooler will be a good investment coz when I want to grow a purple strain for my next grow I can get the temps to make them turn purple with ease:)

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah, the first ripped look is what I'm after. Don't get me wrong I'm not wanting HUGE. Just a couple of stone muscle mass. I think that bloated look is ugly,jmo
Tom Hardy played 'Bronson' and did 'The Warrior' with no gear only supplements, just different types of training to get the two different body shapes.

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The Warrior.
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Are steds really needed to look hench?


Well-Known Member
Sweeet. When u goin planting outdoor closet? U got ur beans yet?
Yh i got them a few weeks ago mate. Their going out at the start of may. Id rather do it this month but I've got to go to a 2 week residential in a treatment centre, for NET(neuro electro therapy) to come off the subbies. So that's set me back 2 weeks. You still doing an outdoor?


Well-Known Member
tryin to upload a new avtar keeps saying failed, but it shows it to me, just trying to see if it is working.

- k its working YEAH YEAH NUGGUHS


Well-Known Member
Yh i got them a few weeks ago mate. Their going out at the start of may. Id rather do it this month but I've got to go to a 2 week residential in a treatment centre, for NET(neuro electro therapy) to come off the subbies. So that's set me back 2 weeks. You still doing an outdoor?
Yeah mate. Taking a risk and doing these BBC outdoors.
Gonna keep one indoors and do a cfl scrog tho lol
Wanna get my grow room filled bk up but the misses is bitching cause of when we were raided last month lol think my next indoors gonna b the autumn :|
What u decide to run then?


Well-Known Member
wat u goin to look like when u my age nr 50...I eat organic food drink purified water, no more drugs little alcohol, work in the garden all day and smoke(no tobac) or vape continuously for health and happiness, 6'1" 32 waist 34 leg 42 chest 13.3 st can still kick a 6' man in the face wiv me L foot (R a bit game) ha, fukin ell boys u lot will scare the kidz lookin like that btw well done v impressive


Well-Known Member
Yeah mate. Taking a risk and doing these BBC outdoors.
Gonna keep one indoors and do a cfl scrog tho lol
Wanna get my grow room filled bk up but the misses is bitching cause of when we were raided last month lol think my next indoors gonna b the autumn :|
What u decide to run then?
All autos mate, 10 x WW 5 x ak47 and freebies autos too- cheese express and cheese candy. Might as well take advantage of the sun, and save some lekky lol. What are the missus's like man, pure head bursters. But we gotta listen to them lol


Well-Known Member
All autos mate, 10 x WW 5 x ak47 and freebies autos too- cheese express and cheese candy. Might as well take advantage of the sun, and save some lekky lol. What are the missus's like man, pure head bursters. But we gotta listen to them lol
Yeah tell me about it mate! Moan about growing but don't mind spending all the coin lol.
Nice, I really should of done autos but I'm to much of a shady cunt to spend money on seeds lol well at least seeds for outdoor use.
I've smoked some cheese candy before mate, fucking lovely smoke it was.