

Well-Known Member
How long does it take once seeds sprout to show sex if I start them on 12/12? I was gonna start
a few under flouros on 12/12 then revert to vegging after sexing them to go outdoors. Never
attempted this before so if you know or have any experience I would really appriciate it. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
3 to 4 weeks depending on strain in my experience growing 12/12 from seed. Why not just get clones or fem seeds though, your wasting time making them revert. It's your time though.


Well-Known Member
My son bought a clone a few years ago against my advice, the caretaker let the mother begin blooming before cutting clones. It continued to flower, he tried reverting it by switching it to long light periods and all, but like I told him it was too late and he was wasting time. He wouldn't believe me, kids know everything, so when he finally gave in he had a fairly nice plant despite the abuse but he also wound up losing most of it to mold and fungus. None of the other plants were affected.


Well-Known Member
Last year I vegetated a skunk #1 for 4 weeks under 24hr, switched to 12/12 and within 2 weeks
she showed me her vagina. I then placed her outdoors at the time recieving 13 1/2 hrs of sunlight
in a 3 gal container and had no problems whatsover. She had pistills on her new growth all summer
and started actually budding in september and was done by nov. I lst'd her and she ended up giving me
several ounces dry and it was very potent bud. Guess its just a 50/50 thing huh?

But i've never started 12/12 from seed, so I was just wondering and needing info. Thanks for the replies
so far!


Well-Known Member
i have done this before i had most plants return to vegging pretty in a week or 2 however one plant out of 11 didnt turn back ,and it hardly grew , im guessing it was the strain because i had a bunch of different strains going


Active Member
In my experience its the strain genetics on whether it comes out of pre flower quickly of if it takes forever. I personally don't think its worth your time and effort the revert... It stresses your plants and sometimes your plant will just sit there for weeks just on pause... I would recommend growing them like you normally would and leave all the small stuff at he bottom (the stuff you normally lollipop off) and when you have enough to cut you 2 or 3 clones then cut n clone and flower those... You get the sex, you can toss those clones when done and then go into your room and toss what you don't want in the garden... This way theres no shock to your girls and the clones you took was stuff you would normally cut off anyways for lollipoping... No time lost in reverting. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Okay let me just try and get something straight here. I dont have any feminized seed and dont look like i'll be getting
any either. But I do have very good genetics and strains non fem seeds. Say if I was wanting my plants in the ground by
may 15th and started them from seed now how would I achieve this and get my females? All I have to work with is flouros,
4 T12's and about 6ft long space by 3ft wide and 6ft tall. I have at least 60 strains to try out. With this many seeds and
vegging plants, taking clones, for sexing, I just dont have the space... Its aggravating the piss out of me, what should I do???


Well-Known Member
Also, if I were to attempt the 12 12 from seed method do the plants stretch alot? I mean say they show sex
withing 3 weeks, am I goona have 1ft to 2ft tall plants?


Well-Known Member
In my experience its the strain genetics on whether it comes out of pre flower quickly of if it takes forever. I personally don't think its worth your time and effort the revert... It stresses your plants and sometimes your plant will just sit there for weeks just on pause... I would recommend growing them like you normally would and leave all the small stuff at he bottom (the stuff you normally lollipop off) and when you have enough to cut you 2 or 3 clones then cut n clone and flower those... You get the sex, you can toss those clones when done and then go into your room and toss what you don't want in the garden... This way theres no shock to your girls and the clones you took was stuff you would normally cut off anyways for lollipoping... No time lost in reverting. :cool:
Only drawback I see is when you're looking for a mother, which is how I spent the entire winter. I'll pop 2 packs of beans, veg for a few weeks and flip all of them. Then of course males are binned, and strongest female is kept while the remainder of females I simply finish. I hear you on the re-vegging, and it does take time...but all that cloning would take just as much if not more


Well-Known Member
Okay let me just try and get something straight here. I dont have any feminized seed and dont look like i'll be getting
any either. But I do have very good genetics and strains non fem seeds. Say if I was wanting my plants in the ground by
may 15th and started them from seed now how would I achieve this and get my females? All I have to work with is flouros,
4 T12's and about 6ft long space by 3ft wide and 6ft tall. I have at least 60 strains to try out. With this many seeds and
vegging plants, taking clones, for sexing, I just dont have the space... Its aggravating the piss out of me, what should I do???
Many of the best strains are not available feminized, and unless you already have a mother you have no other choice but to run from seed. 12/12 isn't going to save you any time, they don't show their sex fast enough to serve your need in this case. Veg for a few weeks, then flip. Most show within 10 days anyways, longest I have had was 18...but that was a sativa dom with a 12 week flower time.


Active Member
Only drawback I see is when you're looking for a mother, which is how I spent the entire winter. I'll pop 2 packs of beans, veg for a few weeks and flip all of them. Then of course males are binned, and strongest female is kept while the remainder of females I simply finish. I hear you on the re-vegging, and it does take time...but all that cloning would take just as much if not more
It's actually easier to clone still, I thought that re-vegging a plant would be fine too but wait till they go on pause for 4 weeks, my re-vegged plants were the slowest growing plants there were. It agravated me beyond belief due to it holding back my schedules for veg and flower. When it comes to doing that many strains I don't know what to tell ya but take your time going through them all, I personally would make a seperate small area apart from the veg area that you can toss a few clones into at a time with a flouro bulb on 12/12 to induce sexing. This can become a tedious project but IMO I think that it's the better way to go so that your not slowing your actual grow down. That's just my advice on it all, you'll appreciate it when your doing it and your plants are still growing and healthy.


Well-Known Member
It's actually easier to clone still, I thought that re-vegging a plant would be fine too but wait till they go on pause for 4 weeks, my re-vegged plants were the slowest growing plants there were. It agravated me beyond belief due to it holding back my schedules for veg and flower. When it comes to doing that many strains I don't know what to tell ya but take your time going through them all, I personally would make a seperate small area apart from the veg area that you can toss a few clones into at a time with a flouro bulb on 12/12 to induce sexing. This can become a tedious project but IMO I think that it's the better way to go so that your not slowing your actual grow down. That's just my advice on it all, you'll appreciate it when your doing it and your plants are still growing and healthy.
Next time I need to actually crack a few beans I will use your method:bigjoint:. There is another drawback to re-vegging a chosen mother, as I found out the hard way...cuttings from a re-vegging mother take forever and day to lay down a root mass.

Which of course would coincide with the fact the parent plant is still partially in flowering state.


Active Member
Next time I need to actually crack a few beans I will use your method:bigjoint:. There is another drawback to re-vegging a chosen mother, as I found out the hard way...cuttings from a re-vegging mother take forever and day to lay down a root mass.

Which of course would coincide with the fact the parent plant is still partially in flowering state.
Ya I'm a firm believer that the less stress you put your plants thru the better they do.


Well-Known Member
Okay guys, i've pretty much changed my whole grow plans this year. I'm only going to do a 6 plant
grow and ive decided not to germinate my seedlings and force 12/12. Reason being is due to the extent
of the marijuana law in my state. So instead im going to do 6 girls in a 6ft diameter hole by 3ft deep.

About a week and a few days ago I put out a few 2 month old plants outside in 2 gal pots and checked them
today and I noticed they started sexing. I killed the males and the females are doing great. I have a 100x
magnifyer and noticed 2 of the females by the calyx development. The males, some had small balls and were
raised by a small stem. One of the females has already got a couple hairs coming out. The bottom nodes are showing
no signs of sex yet just the very top terminal. To get my other 3 females how should I take clones from these plants?

Since the bottom half nodes arent showing signs yet is it cool to go ahead and take cuttings and root them?
Also, what light schedual should I place the clones under? Im getting 12 and a half hrs of sunlight outdoor right now.
Should i root them on 18/6 or 24 hrs? Or should I put them under the same light schedual they will be going outside
too which by that time will be a little over 13hrs? Thanks guys.


Active Member
Sexing plants causes deformed growth when you flower then reveg. It stunts the plant and yo lose 2 weeks in veg trying to sex the plants. The preflowers show up in veg after the 4th or 5th week. No need for all the extra stress.


Well-Known Member
So pretty much I wasted my time vegging indoors for 2 months and putting them out and them start flowering? In a few days i'll be getting 13hrs of sunlight, which will 'should hopefully' cause them to reveg. Everyone says that its not good
because of the extra 2-3 weeks it takes for the plant to kick back into vegetative mode. But, since they're already 3 months
old and they do take a little pause, they will still be ahead of those putting there plants out in the beginning of may because
of they're age. So really, the still period shouldn't matter. Am I right? And i'm just going to go ahead and take cuttings off
of the females i've found and place them under 24hrs of light to speed up the vegging process a bit then once they take
root place them back outdoors. If I choose a medium what do you reccommend I choose? Will promix work okay for


Well-Known Member
Oh I forgot to add the question, should I just wait for her to reveg outdoors before taking cuttings or should
I just do it now while she is starting to flower?