michigan genetics

I've only let the pollen fly a few times. That is one horny plant. I got lots of seeds right where I wanted them and then a few more everywhere else. Don't fool your self and try to do very much breeding near your sensi, it can be controlled but I have only had ok luck.
I've seen pictures of visible pollen clouds miles away from the field...... read into that what you want, but I have never let the pollen fly, same room or different and not had some seed show up in everything else I was working on at the time. I even did one crop where the entire next crop had one single seed in every preflower. It made it easy to pick them out, but still was a pain.
I usually do everything in bloom when I am slinging pollen.
This time I had a Grape Stomper male I wanted to try at same time.
So I just marked some stems and used q-tip to spot pollinate with G.S. pollen on each plant.
After spotting the selected braches pistils I moved in the main attraction - Purple Marty male.
Now I just let it fly for a day or two before destroying that plant.

Pollen only stays viable exposed to the elements for about 3 days.
As long as you don't have a bunch of other stuff able to get pollinated it's not a big deal to let it fly.
But if you keep a lot of clones or do other grows in same area about the only good choice is to spot with a brush or a Q-tip from a male you raised elsewhere.
You can hardly breath around pollen without sending up a dust cloud.
It is going to migrate everywhere in the building if there is any air movement for a few days.

Back to my spotting deal I mentioned.
By putting a zip tie on the stalks I wanted G.S. before spotting I know where to look for that hybrids seeds when ready.
Each hybrid puts out a unique coloring and stripe/dot pattern.
So the seeds that are predominately one color/pattern on the selected branch are the G.S. hybrid, and the ones that match the rest of the plant are the P.M. hybrids.
This works very well if you are testing and doing research as long as you toss out all seeds you are not sure match the profile when sorting them.
i used the zip ties too, wouldn't have remembered where to look otherwise. I used a paintbrush and brought the male from diff location. Sub gets alot of flack but he has some good tips about controlling pollen. just gotta watch him rock out to music all stoned for an hour first.
Here's a pictorial of mine without the music and stuff:


Get a male that ready to drop and stick in water until enough
falls on collection surface to gather for pollinating.
Put in a vial loosely capped (this hasn't been dried out enough to seal up).


Put a zip tie on each branch you want to spot pollinate before starting.
Use a Q-tip, or a mascara brush, to lightly dab pollen from the vial on pistils.


Make sure you hit the top of Grape Stomper female with G.S. pollen.
This opportunity is too rare to pass up - Grape Stomper seeds are few and far between.
It is the reason I need to dual pollinate my crop this time to get what I want out of it.


Admire your work - for most folks it's time to sit back and wait about 6 weeks.
But if you want to make several hybrids from the same female you have to improvise.
Tag different selected branches and repeat the process with another males pollen.


Or if you want a shitload of the other seeds - stick the plants in with the second male.
I planned this grow around Purple Marty male, and it is ready to go.
Out of isolation and into bloom room with the others.


Guard the clones in case you hit the jackpot

Remove blooming male after a couple days of pollen dropping.
Mine had just dumped a few loads yesterday and so I will only need @ 2 days.

My plants are @17 days into bloom and pistils formation is really just getting going good on some.
The Fat Stomper-13's are loaded already; but Grape Stomper is further back in pistil production.
After removing male newer pistils will be unaffected after about 3 days.
So if you do your pollinating early enough you will still get plenty of smoke out of the grow.
i would recommend finding a native strain close to the same latitudinal line you are at. Finding Michigan certain strains seems ridiculous to me, since they all date back to the Himalayas.
im gonna try and get my hands on some Pure Michigan Genetics, thanks fellas.

i would recommend finding a native strain close to the same latitudinal line you are at. Finding Michigan certain strains seems ridiculous to me, since they all date back to the Himalayas.

i want michigan genetics to keep my money in michigan and support a LOCAL ecomony, nothing more... and if you read my original post you would see that im growing indoors so i do not need to worry about a plants original latitude...
i used the zip ties too, wouldn't have remembered where to look otherwise. I used a paintbrush and brought the male from diff location. Sub gets alot of flack but he has some good tips about controlling pollen. just gotta watch him rock out to music all stoned for an hour first.

LMAO!! I made it about half way through one episode of the weed nerd and thought the same thing before turning it off. Who wants to sit and watch subcool smoke weed and spin 70's tunes??
Here's the only guy that could pull that off


i think i run one of his. Wembley. ak-47 x bubblegum. i don't really like the buzz, kind of like taking too much nyquil and then drinking a beer. the taste though is amazing. a head turner for sure.