The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
@ mg ya lucky bugga I had about 12g trim to work with was frosty tho but its turned out a not green fuck it into still be nice. @ ice send over this way I'll make us some dry ice kief ;-)


Well-Known Member
ok, im off to feed the bellas and take some pics of em to update my journal.... oh yeah, and gotta home made tomato cage em.... this is gonna be fun.


Well-Known Member
Pics from the potting shed, I showed my girls the sun today - they probably wont ever see it again - you gotta keep em sweet.


trichome 1

Well-Known Member
the fella who im getting my weed of has earned over £40,000 on the bitcoins he had saved he cash them in this afternoon which was lucky coz they have gone down £70 since then,when they drop to around £20 again I advise anyone to buy as many you can as sit on them for a few months,i had a touch with that bitcoin in my account but I was going to buy a few when they were only £8.50 each and could kick myself for not doing so, bitcoins have made hundreds of millionaires :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
my tirms going in the fucking bin,, next doors ofc, LOL,, cant e arsed
lmao you nutter, there's folks selling it on SR lol. dry it and chuck it in a freezerbag in the deep freeze til you've enough to do a run. i did just over a draws worth out the freezer an got 35g last time throwin a fortune away lad.


Well-Known Member
@ Yorkie, there's a thread in subcools section about powdered cal mag. There's a guy saying he replaced his GH cal mag with a powder called glacial rock. He also feeds epsom along side it for extra mag. Their saying its $22 per bag dunno what size tho. There's loads of scientific stuff written there, so right up your street lol

trichome 1

Well-Known Member
I got my plant magic magnecal 2day thank fcuk,and I gave them both a dose of 2ml in 1litre of ph water is this enough as im growing in 25 litre pots but the plant aint big yet,also I have noticed a white substance on the top layer of my coco it has been there since day one could this be salt build up?or is this normal?im also planting an advance seeds bio diesel mass today its an auto but im going to be vegging these for another 10 weeks or so any way so i'll have some diesel while flowering these photos:)


Well-Known Member
lmao you nutter, there's folks selling it on SR lol. dry it and chuck it in a freezerbag in the deep freeze til you've enough to do a run. i did just over a draws worth out the freezer an got 35g last time throwin a fortune away lad.
i would don but its simply too hot wer i am, i know what yer saying but i think fer now ima dash it and wen i moove il get a special chest freezer in the shed for trim hahaha

chop chop on weekend :? fucking mission. wife wont help me trim BITCH!


Well-Known Member
that's like saying I can't be arsed spedning two hours of my time to earn a couple of hundred sovs....folk in the Dam will buy yer trim off you just to make their precious bho. Dude in the shop the other day was wanting 45/gram wholesale to sell to the shop. I heard it's going in some shops at over 90/g

my tirms going in the fucking bin,, next doors ofc, LOL,, cant e arsed


Well-Known Member
just run yer bubble with wet trim then. As long as it's chopped finely enough you will get a really nice return. Hot, in the UK? lol, I heard it was freezing.....

i would don but its simply too hot wer i am, i know what yer saying but i think fer now ima dash it and wen i moove il get a special chest freezer in the shed for trim hahaha

chop chop on weekend :? fucking mission. wife wont help me trim BITCH!


Well-Known Member
i ahavent got no bubble bags,, i never got round to ordering em,, if i try making hash out of oils and gasses n shit then i reckon the wife may object
my house it too hot for storing shit in,, it just is, if i had sum bubble bags id do it no shit,, just whak it in the frerzzer after trim then thingy it the next say,, its mega tempting so i actually may do sumthing,, i like th bubble bags idea simples no chemicals and shit


Well-Known Member
you can get bubble bags for like 20 quid of ebay lad. And you really don't have to dry the trim. IF you can't be arsed with bubble bags, do gummy, or nip down to the kitchen store and buy yerself some cheese cloth. Man I use to make bubble with old pillow cases.


Well-Known Member
you can get bubble bags for like 20 quid of ebay lad. And you really don't have to dry the trim. IF you can't be arsed with bubble bags, do gummy, or nip down to the kitchen store and buy yerself some cheese cloth. Man I use to make bubble with old pillow cases.
is that the pringle tube metod??


Well-Known Member
Once you pop you can't stop.....I have no idea what the Pringle method is mate, lol.

Gummy method sounds like it will be the least hassle for you.