flowering during 24hr veg


Well-Known Member
hi guys ive had my mother superlemon haze vegging now for around 2mths
on 24hr of light due to cold temps. useing 400watt mh. whats crazy is it looks like
shes started to flower i dont just mean pre flower i mean cluters of whites hairs.
cant get any pic up at moment. is this possible???? HELP//


Active Member
I have a Chronic that does that if it does not get enough light, put a bit more light on it a see what happens!!!


Well-Known Member
hi guys ive had my mother superlemon haze vegging now for around 2mths
on 24hr of light due to cold temps. useing 400watt mh. whats crazy is it looks like
shes started to flower i dont just mean pre flower i mean cluters of whites hairs.
cant get any pic up at moment. is this possible???? HELP//
2 month veg on a 400 is a long time parts of her could be light deprived. try about 3 to 4 weeks of veg unless your lsting. otherwise you will outgrow your light source and she wont yield shit. if you had a 1000 or even a 600 for flower you would be fine. a 400 just doesnt have enough light penetration to make big plants in my personal experiences and opinions... try vegging with a 600 if you want to go that big. and flower with the biggest light you can.

or its an auto. which coulod be. had an auto veg for 2 fuckin months once before starting to flower. pissed me off.


Well-Known Member
2 month veg on a 400 is a long time parts of her could be light deprived. try about 3 to 4 weeks of veg unless your lsting. otherwise you will outgrow your light source and she wont yield shit. if you had a 1000 or even a 600 for flower you would be fine. a 400 just doesnt have enough light penetration to make big plants in my personal experiences and opinions... try vegging with a 600 if you want to go that big. and flower with the biggest light you can.

or its an auto. which coulod be. had an auto veg for 2 fuckin months once before starting to flower. pissed me off.
Its a mother plant. Constant veg.

A pic is definitely needed here to confirm for sure.

Having grown a couple of autos last year the 4 I grew flowered before week4.



Active Member
Yep--Some older Moms will do that.. she won't go full flower- but just Pom-poms...

do you plan to flower her, or just take clones?

IMO- Take clones now, make sure they are doing well- then either Cull her or flower her and keep one of the clones as a new "mom".