update *got a sprout 1

Mumbo Jumbo

Stop staring at her, she won't grow! She's doing fine, good luck and keep us updated! I'm here to offer any help I can give :leaf:


Well-Known Member
It looks normal.
I'm not sure what Flaming Pie saw, because your soil looks dry to me, but I could be wrong.
It looks fine to me, as was said earlier, keep us posted.

Mumbo Jumbo

I gave her a like because that's still good advice. The soil is on the dry side though. I suggest getting a little mister sprayer thing and just spray it on the soil when ever it's running dry. Works all the time for me :leaf:


Active Member
Looks normal- but purple???? is it a purple strain? if not- she needs more light... other than that-- patience daddy- patience!


Active Member
Hahha. Its a 50/50 split on water huh. I'll def put her by more light. And ya I believe its a grand daddy purple seed


I wouldn't soak the seeds in water. Fresh seeds certainly shouldn't have to be soaked. Cannabis isn't an aquatic plant. Those seeds are living, breathing and a bit sensitive; they need more than water. Excessive moisture will drown the seed or lend to disease and the seed might rot.

Personally, I'd fill the cup all the way to the top with soil-less mix, stick my finger in the middle up to the first knuckle (0.5"), drop the seed in there, cover and water thoroughly. Refrain from misting. Water again once the soil surface has dried out (cups will be lighter); which may take from a couple to several days depending on seed germination, lighting, temperature, air movement. As roots grow in you will need to water more frequently. But it is really best to just water thoroughly when you water (as opposed to misting the surface) as you'd rather not have dry spots develop.


Active Member
I wouldn't soak the seeds in water. Fresh seeds certainly shouldn't have to be soaked. Cannabis isn't an aquatic plant. Those seeds are living, breathing and a bit sensitive; they need more than water. Excessive moisture will drown the seed or lend to disease and the seed might rot.

Personally, I'd fill the cup all the way to the top with soil-less mix, stick my finger in the middle up to the first knuckle (0.5"), drop the seed in there, cover and water thoroughly. Refrain from misting. Water again once the soil surface has dried out (cups will be lighter); which may take from a couple to several days depending on seed germination, lighting, temperature, air movement. As roots grow in you will need to water more frequently. But it is really best to just water thoroughly when you water (as opposed to misting the surface) as you'd rather not have dry spots develop.
I'm still experimenting documenting every step. I soaked the seed for 24 hrs in distilled water. Should be fine. And one popped out already. But I will try your suggestion. I'm also got some habanero and cherry tomatoes going


Active Member
I don't know the yield possibility In a window sill. Never tried it. Can't imagine it would be more than like a quarter ounce a plant. I've never tried tho so anyone who has correct me if I'm wrong. Even under 1 cfl if the wattage isn't over 100 don't expect much. Just so you don't get you hopes too high. But stay optimistic!

If it is on a window sill I think you'd need to turn it every so often to make sure all of it gets light.

Also is it an option to have a mature marijuana plant just sitting in your window. Lol sounds really risky for almost no bud for the work you put in.

Either way good luck and I hope you pull a lb.


Active Member
I don't know the yield possibility In a window sill. Never tried it. Can't imagine it would be more than like a quarter ounce a plant. I've never tried tho so anyone who has correct me if I'm wrong. Even under 1 cfl if the wattage isn't over 100 don't expect much. Just so you don't get you hopes too high. But stay optimistic!

If it is on a window sill I think you'd need to turn it every so often to make sure all of it gets light.

Also is it an option to have a mature marijuana plant just sitting in your window. Lol sounds really risky for almost no bud for the work you put in.

Either way good luck and I hope you pull a lb.
hahha well I am gonna transplant to the yard. Just using the sill for the sprout.


Active Member
I wouldn't soak the seeds in water. Fresh seeds certainly shouldn't have to be soaked. Cannabis isn't an aquatic plant. Those seeds are living, breathing and a bit sensitive; they need more than water. Excessive moisture will drown the seed or lend to disease and the seed might rot.

Personally, I'd fill the cup all the way to the top with soil-less mix, stick my finger in the middle up to the first knuckle (0.5"), drop the seed in there, cover and water thoroughly. Refrain from misting. Water again once the soil surface has dried out (cups will be lighter); which may take from a couple to several days depending on seed germination, lighting, temperature, air movement. As roots grow in you will need to water more frequently. But it is really best to just water thoroughly when you water (as opposed to misting the surface) as you'd rather not have dry spots develop.

this is right on every seed I put in a napkin or a glass of water never sprouted I threw some in soil and watered it and all 3 sprouted


Well-Known Member
All things equal, a windowsill with good exposure will yield better than any artificial light. I mean its the sun after all.

Your soil looks dry in the pic. I wouldn't recommend growing in those red keg cups. Every time I have attempted to use them to start plants I find that the water collects at the bottom of the cup and drowns the roots. Doesn't matter how many holes I make in the bottom. My theory is that because of the taper, the water "bottlenecks" at the base and just stagnates. I'd see dry, cracked soil on top and saturated wet soil through the drain holes. I don't know though. Thats just my experience.

And purple stems are normal on seedlings.

And should you mist? I dont know, should you? Why would you? Should you put a little hat on them? Maybe sprinkle some paprika on them?

I don't mist my plants. I have in the past but I have found that unless there is a specific situation that calls for foliar feeding, they dont need it.


Active Member
don't overthink it - let nature do it's job. Nature needs very little help from us - give it plenty of light and don't over-water or over-fertilize and you will be fine. It isn't rocket surgery.


Active Member
And purple stems are normal on seedlings.

And should you mist? I dont know, should you? Why would you? Should you put a little hat on them? Maybe sprinkle some paprika on them?

I don't mist my plants. I have in the past but I have found that unless there is a specific situation that calls for foliar feeding, they dont need it.
hahah paprika? I touch the soil it is moist. Does look dry. I added just a splash of water around the sprout.

I will prob use pot better suited for sprouts then red cups next round. Dollar store had a deal. Ha. I def started moving it around for it to get the best sun light exposure thru out the day. I bring it in at night still. I'm not expecting a superior grow being my first time. And just doing a natures natural approach. Just having fun with the whole process. Thanks guys!:

