Need Help With Slow Mycelium Growth!

I've began the fruiting process with the cakes. They've been in the container for a couple days now.
Temperature is around 68F (15 degree drop from incubation) and humidity between 90-100%. Are these numbers good enough to produce a decent yield? I'm thinking the temp might be a little low....

Here are some pics for your viewing pleasure....

Unless you are orchestrating a flush (it is fruiting, or pinning, not flowering - mushrooms do not flower), then you needn't drop your temp but if you do it may serve to encourage pinning. If you do, keep your environment at that temperature from 2 to 5 days and then bring it back up to your normal range. What will trigger your fruit is light and fresh air, you should be giving the grow both of those things now.

​ Harvested my first mushroom
:-P fuck yes
Here is a pic of it.....

Can you experts tell anything about the quality of the mushroom based on how this one looks?
I noticed some white fuzz at the base of the stem, any ideas what this is?
Also, what are the best methods of drying? I don't have a food dehydrator so I'm thinking about using desiccant or simply air-drying with a fan.
no you cant really tell much about a mushrooom by looks, specially not potency.

air drying is fine. i dry mine in a strainer over a pot of salt.
if you where half the conversationalist i am, you would relize this endeavor of insulting me will be fruitless.:D i can toy with you and continue the conversation with you line of logic, or i can just bring that to a halt.
A)my method is fine, i like to think myself pretty well learned and experienced
B)teen? this further show your inexperience as being unable to interrupter an identity on the internet. you are in your late 20's. maybe early 30's
C)bragging/experience same thing, i feel the same pride when i brag alone as i do in a crowd, i am proud.

D) you still being negative, a neutral mentality gives me the conversational edge. makes you look like you ranting.

i enjoy a good late night conversation.
Also, what are the best methods of drying? I don't have a food dehydrator so I'm thinking about using desiccant or simply air-drying with a fan.
Just don't overheat them during drying as this can affect potency. Pick when veils open but before they drop their spores.
Just don't overheat them during drying as this can affect potency. Pick when veils open but before they drop their spores.
Thats great advice but if growing with cakes it best to let the veils break and let them keep a dome shape its not much potecy that will be lost..yeah they are at their finest before so but some people don’t have the time or patience to do so
Thats great advice but if growing with cakes it best to let the veils break and let them keep a dome shape its not much potecy that will be lost..yeah they are at their finest before so but some people don’t have the time or patience to do so

The difference on potency is minor. Perhaps a percent or two, you can as easily just take a quarter gram and adjust for the loss. People are far too sensitive about drying and picking time.

Relax, it will be fine even if you wait till the caps are upward curved and you put them in a hot oven, honest. Just don't actually bake them for an hour.
Exactly there’s no need to harvest befor the vail breaks and keep some dick shaped shooms that are tiny all you do is lose yields unless your selling its best to let them grow out to the point befor the cap is a T shape
The difference on potency is minor. Perhaps a percent or two, you can as easily just take a quarter gram and adjust for the loss. People are far too sensitive about drying and picking time.

Relax, it will be fine even if you wait till the caps are upward curved and you put them in a hot oven, honest. Just don't actually bake them for an hour.
true but you don't want to bake them to death either.