safe to plant outdoors yet?


Well-Known Member
I live in ky also and im waiting till late april or early may to put mine out.
Better to let them stay inside a while then put them out and chance killing them or stunting them bad.

Where I live i've seen frost go up into May easy.

A late frost stunted my LSD plants baddd a few years back ):


Well-Known Member
I decided to wait until early-mid May to set mine out. I went and got some 2 gallon pots. They will have plenty of time to grow into them before May comes around.


Well-Known Member
I live in ky also and im waiting till late april or early may to put mine out.
Better to let them stay inside a while then put them out and chance killing them or stunting them bad.

Where I live i've seen frost go up into May easy.

A late frost stunted my LSD plants baddd a few years back ):
I"ll be pulling my spring harvest at the end of may. 2nd winter/spring harvest


I'm in Az and I have a few Acapulco outside. One of which is a monster mother that I'm flowering for the second time. They both look great. Got an Auto Jack (herer) in late flower that looks super tasty. IMG_20130323_145951.jpgIMG_20130323_145945.jpgIMG_20130404_221511.jpgIMG_20130404_221412.jpg still gots lots of time on the sativa.


Active Member
well i put out 4 yesterday to take my chances and looked at my calender and had put them out this time last year it was a wee bit warmer last year but not much and plants done fine and i harvested by september 20th last year and also like some one said if they do get froze out i have quite a few more that will be ready to go out in a week or so if that so im not to worried about it and also ky also may be going medical this year not only the hemp passed into legislative biut so did the gatewood galbriath memorial act for mmj so i got y fingers crossed. n no i aint worried abt a ripper whether he is or not i dont tell exact location nor close so no worries there and ill post up pics when i get time ill prob save up pics and start a grow journal


well i put out 4 yesterday to take my chances and looked at my calender and had put them out this time last year it was a wee bit warmer last year but not much and plants done fine and i harvested by september 20th last year and also like some one said if they do get froze out i have quite a few more that will be ready to go out in a week or so if that so im not to worried about it and also ky also may be going medical this year not only the hemp passed into legislative biut so did the gatewood galbriath memorial act for mmj so i got y fingers crossed. n no i aint worried abt a ripper whether he is or not i dont tell exact location nor close so no worries there and ill post up pics when i get time ill prob save up pics and start a grow journal
Take cuts off your other plants now. Come early may you'll have good sized starts...


Active Member
i dont take cuts lol i just plant n if it turns out male its gone if female keep her n just add more the most stress i normally put on em is transplant lst and topping a couple time and let her do her own thing just use good soil w a good ph level and test it once a week and throw the miracle grow tomato blend to it and give it tlc it need so it can give me the thc levels i need lol and a good strain always of course lol to sum it up mostly let nature do he thing and help out a little along the way lol


Well-Known Member
Im in Ky as well, the weather has been out of wack this year. last year I hads plants going fine with no probs at all but if you remember we had a early spring last year. This year spring is a little late but I think the weather is about to break. Myself I am starting 4 just to take care of the bug on growing something. But I think for best condition in ky a person should wait another week or two and start then.
What about autoflowers, when wil it be the best time to start in this area?


Well-Known Member
Hey carrender hows those plants coming along that you put out? I just put some out too yesterday,
mine are in 2gal containers and i'm hoping they will flower a bit so I can go ahead and dispose of the males.
The weather has been great my friend and the 10 day forecast is looking better and warmer everyday.
Went outside about 2 hours ago and it was 65 degrees. I put mine in a secluded location and togehter so
if a frost happens to be predicted i've got the supplies for hoops and plastic to throw over em, but lets keep
our fingers crossed that it doesnt happen.

And doublejj whats strains you grow? Theyre beautiful trees man, whats that in your avatar pic?


Well-Known Member
Hillbilly I would put autos out around the last week of april if I were you. But I dont
know myself I guess i'd go ahead and throw them out while there is more sunlight due to
low vegetation and you could conceal them well. They'll be well flowered and ready to harvest
by the time everything starts thickening up and the helis start flying. Where i'm at they usually start
flying in mid may and they dont play games. Theyre hard to beat. Unless your from ky and from my
area you wouldnt know how damn aggravating they are and they fly over my house at least
every other day for about 2 weeks in each month. Maybe they will slow down this year, who knows.

If your located in the appalachian part of the state in the mountains i'd wait till at least may to put
anything out. Good luck man.


Active Member
Lol 2 seeds just poped in a pot on my back deck.... ill see how they do with the weather dropping down into the 40s and 30s at night next week.....theyre just mexican brick seeds so i couldnt care about them lol


Well-Known Member
oh they'll grow ! lol cause they are Mexis and you don't care. they'll take off like a bat out hell. :weed: I got some type of seed come up in the garden to. it's fun to see how they do on there own with out being babied. lol


Active Member
ill post up a pic later on tonight when i go to check em out they r in ground and not buckets and there was only one night temps got to 37 and the rest been in high 50s so ill post updates later tonight