a tribute to all the innocents who have died in the drug war...


Well-Known Member
Its sad that our government can murder its citizens and get away with it. I despise law enforcement of any kind because they are allowed by our traitorous government to do as they please. sadly government groups like the DEA are going to get away with it because Bush is Officially a Dictator. he made himself Dictator when he suspended Habeas Corpus. which allows him to walk all over the Constitution. we might as well be living in a police state because he can enact martial law when he chooses.


Well-Known Member
It's not law enforcement that did that people. It's the superiors behind law enforcement that runs the show, not the sheep with guns.

Imagine if you were one of those law enforcement officers that were pumped up and ready for a drug raid, perhaps with multiple dealers and could even turn out into a full-out gun battle, and when you walk in the door theres no drugs, no plants, no nothing, just a 59-year-old black woman that died from a heart attack thanks to YOU. Imagine if you were that person. That'd be fucked up. I'd be like broken up. I walked into some random house, threw off some flash bang grenades, yelled a bunch, and killed a little widow old woman by scaring her to death. I'm a monster.


Well-Known Member
being a law enforcement officer is a choice so in my point of view they chose to harm innocents. yeah the laws are fucked up but so are the assholes enforcing them.


Well-Known Member
being a law enforcement officer is a choice so in my point of view they chose to harm innocents. yeah the laws are fucked up but so are the assholes enforcing them.
not all of them are assholes, I know plenty of really cool cops..... but I'm not saying that most aren't assholes, cause I get fucked with ALL the time, it blows.


Active Member
Its sad that our government can murder its citizens and get away with it. I despise law enforcement of any kind because they are allowed by our traitorous government to do as they please. sadly government groups like the DEA are going to get away with it because Bush is Officially a Dictator. he made himself Dictator when he suspended Habeas Corpus. which allows him to walk all over the Constitution. we might as well be living in a police state because he can enact martial law when he chooses.
Oh, for fuck sake. Listen to yourself mate. I don't know why you think you truly have an oppressive government because you don't. Stop acting like it's Germany, 1939. Bush is not 'officially' a dictator. You will observe this when either Obama or McCain are elected in November.

The view that police officers as murdering pigs who have no sense of whats right is just nonsense. Most officers are respectable people out to make a difference.
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Well-Known Member
Ok i admit there might be a few out there that aren't assholes. but i can't lay claim to knowing any of them;) and to Dev, keep fooling yourself/


Well-Known Member
It's like the Iraq war....corrupt & connected people get rich, and nothing is accomplished in the end, except the rise in someones fortunes...