NorCal 4/20 BBQ!

TWS.. you have much learning to do padawon! HAHA, just teasing. Dude you dont want to use water to evaporate the butane. When you use hot water, a small amount of water condenses in your oil from the steam. That along with whipping will always give you a budder consistency. Budder is not necessaryily bad, its just not the most ideal(stable) form. Purging is the process of putting your oil in a heated (140 degrees f)vaccum chamber under pressure. This forces the butane out on the oil and to be sucked out of the chamber via the pump. When we meet at the camp, you'll get a more detailed account of the process.

Till then..I really dont want to flood the the forum with any more extract talk.
Ya theres a process called nucleation which is the formation of crystals on a atomic level. Whipping or pressing in anyway will caused nucleation. I learned this over sum time, was wondering why my shit was always turning into a wax consistency when I wanted to shatter.

Then a buddy filled me in on the heated vac purge, where you dont touch the oil at all. You let it sit in the vac for about 12 hours on the lowest heat. Vac sucks all the butane out and your left with the most stable form of bho you can get. I can hold it in my hand for a while before it starts melting. When you give it a slight pull it stretches, but when you give a quick jerk to it, you get a clean break. like breaking a cracker it half... without all the crumbs(lol bad analogy)

Super easy tip, instead of heating, try freezing. I don't even need the vacuum when I freeze my product in the dish. I get the same effect, at least if it's how you're describing it in this post. I use a hair dryer to evaporate the gooey stuff, then put the dish in the freezer, scrape it up, put it an open container, and over the next 48 hours I get what you do. I feel like it's just a lazier man's method.

I wanna go to camp! I wanna compare hashes!
Sooo. I got a written 2 weeks off DR notice for recovery and I could use the rest. If I can see the funds here I can recoupe for a week And shoot up about mid week the week after next and See some friends in Santa cruz and spec out the city and then hit the bbq and camp over Saturday and come home > this isn't to much of a long shot at this day in time but things can change. Im the type of guy though that once I get and idea stuck in my head it"s usually going to happen. ;-)
Is there a head count yet ?
It looks like a dozen, maybe 15 of us this time.
See you there!
P.S. Salmon season opened yesterday to 1/2 limits of salmon! Very good sign for the 2013 season, usually takes a few days/weeks to find them. Must be lots of salmon!
I believe the answer to be all of us. Heads that is. Pigs sounding good to me have to check it out. Where are you guys getting Reco's 530/916.
Not enough people coming to roast a pig this time, maybe next time
There will still be lots of good conversations around the campfire, I assure you.;-)
salmon!! cant wait til we get that organized! im stoked for both the BBQ and salmon season! im certainly a fishing fool. the weather is supposed to be clearing up in the next week for a god while.. or so it says... either way im down! Stay Lifted! _Tycoon
salmon!! cant wait til we get that organized! im stoked for both the BBQ and salmon season! im certainly a fishing fool. the weather is supposed to be clearing up in the next week for a god while.. or so it says... either way im down! Stay Lifted! _Tycoon

The striper fishing is picking up in the delta . Going out this week to give it a try. oh yeah. anyone like striper?
iv been waiting for them to get up here to the feather river by Yuba city area. but yes I love a good striper fight and a good striper dinner!
Went out for some yellowtail day b4 easter. Got skunked except for 1 dude who lost his. But every1 got rockfish, whitefish and I think they where called johnny bass:clap: great trip all in all plus fish 4 easter!
mmmmmm fish tacos. Those yellows this time of year down there are hard to depend on. At least we are back on the Islands .