Does Marijuana help fight depression?


Well-Known Member
Whats your opinion on weed's relationship to depression?

Personally I believe that it does have benefits, but I want to see what other people think. :)
I can only provide my perspective and that of a former friend.
He smoked a little every day, and it sustained him.

I notice no diff at all with my depression whether I'm smoking or not. cn
Only difference is that I dont think about being depressed with cannibus and without it sometimes I do.
i don't find weed helps with my depression. i'm miserable with or without it. what it does do is provide a bit of a distraction, which can be a big deal sometimes and mean nothing other times. sometimes it makes me focus too hard on how i feel. i wouldn't recommend it as a first course of action for someone with serious depression but i'd be lying if i said it doesn't make me feel less like crap sometimes in the short term. i certainly wouldn't call it a solution but it's a good distraction more than half the time for me. i'm a miserable fuck so my answer might not apply to everyone.
i don't find weed helps with my depression. i'm miserable with or without it. what it does do is provide a bit of a distraction, which can be a big deal sometimes and mean nothing other times. sometimes it makes me focus too hard on how i feel. i wouldn't recommend it as a first course of action for someone with serious depression but i'd be lying if i said it doesn't make me feel less like crap sometimes in the short term. i certainly wouldn't call it a solution but it's a good distraction more than half the time for me. i'm a miserable fuck so my answer might not apply to everyone.
This is pretty my situation haha. I definitely do abuse it to escape momentarily from my everyday reality, but hey, I'm probably not the first to and I'm pretty sure I won't be the last to :p .
I'm bi-polar, I dunno if it helps with outright depression, but it does take out the peaks and valleys and lets me live more balanced.
I dont think smoking it would help with depression, but growing mj might help. When you're high all the time you make all sorts of bad decisions.

Growing it is therapeutic and provides a creative outlet for expression. Putting a grow together gives you more pleasure than smoking it.....your first harvest is better than your first hit.
I find weed very helpful in distracting me from getting too focused on feeling depressed. I agree with the previous post, GROWING has probably been more helpful than most people might think. It makes you get out of bed when you don't feel like doing shit- but knowing the girls out in the field needed attention, you get up and do it. Having a guerilla grow means a hell of a lot of walking, hiking, hauling, -basically an exercise routine. And of course the watching the results of your efforts as you go is inspiring. Nature is just a beautiful thing to connect with, and I think this cuts through depression as well or better than Prozac.
when i was going through some rough shit in my life and had nothing, the only time i had a smile on my face was when i was high. Im pretty sure if i didnt have bud i would have jumped off a bridge.

now that ive gotten things in order it really helps with stress, BUT has negative effects on my social anxiety. wich i dont mind, im not a social butterfly.
I haven't seen much positive endorsement of the benefits of mj on depression from the mental health community. My psychiatrist insisted that it was a de-motivator and did not feel it was indicated for depression. I happen to strongly disagree. I find weed makes me feel less depressed, thus enabling me to do more, not less. Does anyone know if docs in medical marijuana states prescribe mj for depression?
I can only provide my perspective and that of a former friend.
He smoked a little every day, and it sustained him.

I notice no diff at all with my depression whether I'm smoking or not. cn

Former friend? Did he/she die?

Anywho, as someone who suffers severe depression, I get off on good buds. Not being proud, but being real, I have attempted suicide 3 times, and have a good amount of depression. I smoke to get by, but I really, honestly, hate this world we live in. Not that I can't take it, but we have fucked up morals.
yes it does, instead of wanting to kill ones self you look at it and go fuck im too lazy, then again things get better so lets see if holding off wont produce a better high in the days to come.
Former friend? Did he/she die?

Anywho, as someone who suffers severe depression, I get off on good buds. Not being proud, but being real, I have attempted suicide 3 times, and have a good amount of depression. I smoke to get by, but I really, honestly, hate this world we live in. Not that I can't take it, but we have fucked up morals.

I've tried a few times myself, been thinking of getting tattoos to cover the scars on my wrist. I 100% agree that this society we've found ourselves in (because let's face it, it evolved long before we were born) has some seriously fucked up morals and values. But I've started to find myself less depressed that I don't fit in and more proud that I'm not like those people, and now I feel mostly pity for those poor souls who'll never find a better way. Rock the fuck on with your high self.
I don't get "depressed" per se. It's an overwhelming boredom that I get, and it does help. An indica dom, with a sativa chaser when I'm especially blank will help me find something worthwhile to focus on. The boss lady is bipolar, she's done the spectrum of meds, and they don't help. All they do is fuck up her hormones, make her moody, or put her out. She likes Sativa dom. and, when I grow them, it's all for her. It evens out those peeks and valleys as someone else mentioned. And, it allows her to distract herself with stuff like pinterest, or a movie, or a walk.
Absolutely it helps me. I was depressed this morning and after I ate some hash and smoked a bowl I feel much better. Depression hits me like a wave of water some times it's almost like it could push me down like a big wave.