Comment on my setup!!!


Well-Known Member
ok so this is by far the most basic setup ive ever seen that might possibly work. I really didnt put much monetary time into this as i am horribly broke...
I was hit by a semi truck the other day so i wont be broke for long!!!:mrgreen: anyway, heres my setup: Im growing in a closet that measures abt 4 feet high by 2 feet wide(120cm high and 60cm across for all tha overseas growers) for light i will be using four (4) 26w 6500k cfl bulbs. since i am not able to find mylar im using the inside of a bag of chips taped to the walls! i know that there arent pics of the actual plants and thats becuz i havent gotten then yet! im ordering from doc chronic and im not sure if i should get a bag of one type or should i get a grab bag and try my luck. what do you think? also, has anybody ever seen or used this superthrive stuff? does it work or did i waste a trip to wally world? and lastly, im not condoning any activity that is illegal but the only thing i paid for was that silver reflector!!! ALL COMENTS WELCOME!!!!

:peace:- KidCreole



Well-Known Member
im actually having good growth outta these, so i aint fixin what aint broken ya dig? plus stealing the same thing outta the same store gets kinda hazardous after the third time


Well-Known Member
i said comments were welcome, not that i would change at a whim. if my plant is growing and my electricity bill isnt, why change?


Well-Known Member
all right fellas, so i see that you guys dont approve of the way i did things, and i appreciate your comments.
i have stopped stealing and have not touched a thing since. i feel like im at a group meeting , sheesh! my internet was out for a week because of a broken router but youll see pics hopefully tonite, if not then tomorrow.