LSD prices??

History consists of rebels who did "illegal/wrong" things to change the world..look at our founding fathers..I've long since retired from the game...canndo..would you go to the movies if it cost $100? wait till it came out on dvd,and a friend burned it for get what ur sayin..but still,price gouging sux!

Then let us take this to an extreme

What would you pay for a 350 mg dose of pure mescaline?
how about a real quaalude?
A couple of seconol?
10 peyote buttons?
an authentic tai stick?

A bottle of paragoric?
A bottle of Vin Tonique Mariani?
All within reason,except the mariani wine..the buttons id probably pay 20 a piece,same with mescaline(both times I've had it it was given to me but I was told it was worth 20$) buy the seconol and ludes for you,cuz I'm not into. Drugs like that,and thai stick,id grow my own takes 18weeks of flower tho...ahh the go at the most 300..and I know its worth a lot more for the rarity and age factor..hell most wine that old is worth thousands by the right vintage...
But in the end,how much would you pay for a bottle of rotten grape juice and an eightball? is in the eye of the beholder...
But in the end,how much would you pay for a bottle of rotten grape juice and an eightball? is in the eye of the beholder...

It sure is. Truth is that I don't pay for pot, what little I ever have is given to me - unfortunate as of late. But I rarely smoke the stuff and even more rarely smoke it with others so I woudn't pay anything for an ounce. I suppose I'd buy the tai stick - 30 bucks just so I could show it around or give it to someone who never had any.

I'd pay 30 bucks for the lude, 20 for the seconol, a hundred for the paragoric (but that is because I've never had it), maybe 100 for the mescaline.

But I've been talking to people who would pay 5 bucks for a 5/500 hydro - so add that up, a lightweight like me would have to take 4, and the high is at best 4 hours. I know folks who will pay 40 bucks for an 80 oxy. THAT is nuts in my way of thinking. I understand all of the principles - it's just the psychadelics that have me value them at far higher than others. I'ts a day, it's an experience, it's an illumination, it can be utter joy for 5 or 6 hours and I don't mind paying for unadulterated joy.
I don't pay for pot..just dirt! Lol!...i. honestly know too many drug dealers gettin it in,thell give me head stash if I politely ask...
Yeah I can relate to CPmass I discovered this site to get tips on how to grow better for my handicapped. to my surprise, I find here a LSD discussion forum... Wow I certainly have always loved LSD still do but.. since I cant get around any longer, it be come imposable to get.. DMT on the other hand is so easy to extract now.. Love the stuff for sure' and Mushrooms too I hear AL-Lad is around and is a lot Like LSD but there selling it for about 15bucks a hit at 150ug per.. That's the price for a sheet too... Man My frist time was with Orange Sunshine in 1971 I been in love with my sacrament ever since.. I am asking the lsd gods to send me a sheet of quality WOW to last me the rest of my life as a am tripping 2 times a year now shrooming except for I do hope to try this AL-LAD soon here is the chemical name 6-allyl-6-nor-lysergic acid diethylamide... well I sure hope to meet some awesome fellow hippies here for some new grow'n tips it is my medicine now .... Namaste pepole
ah yes that would not help the search.. if i wasn't a paranoid nut id send some liquid your way. keep askin tho, someones got it. DMT is huge right now here too
Lucy and I haven't been reacquainted since jerry passed, If and I mean if someone here has a relationship with lucy and she is clean, pm please cause im due to glide thru the aurora borealis at least a few times more before I go into the ground.
Man I sure agree with you... not everyone has money... people are getting greedy now a days... some of use don't want no part of it. where does it end it only turn into a class thing. I reality we should all be healping each other to keep the prices down for every one...
I always get good stuff for cheap. Some of us don't have money for the $7.50 raisins, a $200 wine show, and $120 for theater shows. When I do have the money for fancy raisins, I prefer to shop around for the best prices so I can have 2 instead of 1. I know some people have a lot of money, and some don't. At this moment in life, I don't, and will be happy waiting an extra 2 or 3 weeks for a deal instead of looking like a feign paying stupid prices for the same product. Not trying to quarrel, it just doesn't make sense to pay more than anything is worth... But I guess worth is in the eye of the beholder (and can be significantly more if the beholder has loot to blow and doesn't consider a penny saved a penny earned). I can live without drugs anyway... It's the mj that gets me ;)
I wish him well Iv tried many of you favorites 2C-E, DOC, DOM aka STP doc is better for sure.. I hear AL-LAD is amazining it is said to be like LSD with out the mind fxxx and body load... although I never minded that at all being old schooled, I mean my first dose ever was Orange Sunshine barrels... wish I could have bought a life time supply of that.... Cheers
speaking of demetri my harmala is in so the truth awaits my arrival very soon

Then salvia for the solstice....

I found SP at walmart many times in AZ
readily obtainable cheap and easy
I found SP at walmart many times in AZ

Ironically, the military industrial complex on the west side was landscaping with SP.

What would I pay for LSD? Moot point as there is none here. Haven't seen it in years, haven't talked to anyone who has seen it, haven't heard rumours of someone who knew of someone who knew of someone who saw it.
In the old days friends had a $5 all you can eat special. All I can say is that if there is someone out there trying to flood the world they need to try harder.
Its the different purity of chrystal chinacat and laying lsd the true deadhead way here at riu..I could telll you all tthe same stuff..but that's allready typed out and has a pic of raw crystal..
Orangesunshine barrels were ald-52,not lsd

Well that explains a lot actually. I had a personal stash of those but left them out in the sun and heat - they got dead, a pity. I never knew it wasn't LSD but I always figured that there was something different, something special about them such that they didn't compare with all of the other stuff that came my way back then. I aquired a quarter of a shoe box filled with tiny double dome "micro dots", a pretty shade of sky blue, I never counted them and charged 5 bucks each. That was a grand summer but had I known then..... I would have seen to it that they were well protected and I would have some to this day - imagine the look on some of the old timer's faces when I could have produced a tiny baggie with 10 of them in it. Betcha I could get 3 or 4 hundred dollars for the bag and people would be thanking me for the privelege.