Firearms Freindly Collective?


Well-Known Member
Looking for a firearms friendly collective.

I don't like to go anywhere unless Im packing. Especially a place that has top grade drugs, money, (obv) a largely female staff, isn't in the greatest part of town, and a known weapons policy. facepalm. Really?!? a no weapons policy? Are you that frigging retarded? You imply that a person who is possibly willing to KILL YOU is going to stop when he finds out his weapon isn't allowed in the establishment? I fought for, and voted for your rights, the least you can do, is respect mine.

Anyhow, enough of the rant. Anybody know a good spot?

the least they can do is respect your rights?

what about the rights of others to prohibit firearms on their property? i guess their private property rights don't exist, only your gun rights do.

and unless you stormed some beaches in europe or the south pacific about 70 years ago, quit saying you fought for our rights. you got duped into some unnecessary conflict and we footed the tab for you and are probably still paying for your healthcare.

so fucking selfish and arrogant. is it any wonder you gun nuts are becoming a laughing stock?
Dude.... I sorta see your point. But really, how many people are trying to kill you? Kinda joking kinda not, get high and chill out a little. I get wanting to defend yourself but unless your talking about going to a crack collective I would assume everyone is pretty chill. Think a moment about your average marijuana user........ they don't want to rob you anymore than they want your paranoid vibes wrecking their high. Sorry if this comes of the wrong way, don't shoot me!
my favorite dispensary is in Ypsi (Herbal Solutions), and you won't catch me down there without my sidearm. I know the guys there, and they let me carry with no issues at all. I really don't know if they have a policy about it? Unlike Buck, I believe that if someone wishes to carry they should, regardless of what other people say about it.........but I also see the value in concealed carry so as not to infringe on the comfort level of those around me. No need to flaunt it, but if that's how you roll than more power to you!

I have been politely asked to put it in the car at one shop though, but it was my fault drawing attention to it having it outside of my pants but under a sport coat I had on at the time. It was the Third Coast in Ypsi....bunch of pricks working there anyway.......especially the owners.
Dude.... I sorta see your point. But really, how many people are trying to kill you? Kinda joking kinda not, get high and chill out a little. I get wanting to defend yourself but unless your talking about going to a crack collective I would assume everyone is pretty chill. Think a moment about your average marijuana user........ they don't want to rob you anymore than they want your paranoid vibes wrecking their high. Sorry if this comes of the wrong way, don't shoot me!

Im not paranoid, why would I be, I carry a gun.

You really think that shootings happen in "bad" areas? Admittedly, this isn't the greatest part of town. You would agree, that a school, church, restaurant, police station would be a good place right? Sure you would. Trouble is, shootings happen in those places on the regular.

UncleFucktard, you're on ignore, I can't see your ignorant factless emotional propaganda here anymore.

ETA, I can't conceal, don't have a permission slip.
Better just hope and pray you don't get pulled over or stopped for any reason with your weapon and your weed. Read the law, the two CANNOT be together. Another major flaw in Michigan's law. No CCW or CPL if you are a "legal" user, not even hunting rifles or shotguns. It's pretty fucked up and I hope it changes, but I'm sure it won't happen anytime soon.
And, there is a HUGE difference between "gun nuts" and those who choose to exercise their second amendment RIGHT. I hunt, fish and have owned guns since I was 12 years old, yet if and when I choose to get legal, my guns can be taken and I am AUTOMATICALLY sent away for four years under the federal law.
I really cant believe that every owner of a firearm was willing to relinquish those rights due to obtaining a medical card , nope some just move forward knowing they are not harming anyone while some stash firearms in there sheds or hunting cabins like myself . The cabin has a safe and all is well I can get drunk while there legally but no smokey times ...
And, there is a HUGE difference between "gun nuts" and those who choose to exercise their second amendment RIGHT. I hunt, fish and have owned guns since I was 12 years old, yet if and when I choose to get legal, my guns can be taken and I am AUTOMATICALLY sent away for four years under the federal law.

OP is a gun nut. he wants to act like people have no right to tell him he can't openly carry on their private property.

sorry OP, private property rights exist.
Its funny. When I think of it from what I would call a rational point of view (oh shit), yes you should be allowed to carry your gun everywhere. But when I step back and realize that some people are so paranoid, or bullheaded that they can't understand why some people (maybe ones with lots of weed and money) are more relaxed knowing no one in the room is carrying a gun. What a level headed playing field where all the people enjoying the great plant are not carrying any deadly weapons. I really don't give two shits either way. I do believe that having some members of public being armed keeps us safe. Ultimately I am more scared of what must be going through someones head that can't put there gun down for 5 minutes to buy a sack and burn one. I live in a town that often wins the most violent city title. Only to compete with wherever your likely from. I hope you can work this out. I am scared of what can happen, in fact I've had my home invaded and had guns held to me and my wifes head a few years ago. Still I don't want to carry a gun. Maybe I'm naive? Maybe the laws of attraction keep me safer than you. I'm not a quantam physic's kind of guy.
Looking for a firearms friendly collective.

I don't like to go anywhere unless Im packing. Especially a place that has top grade drugs, money, (obv) a largely female staff, isn't in the greatest part of town, and a known weapons policy. facepalm. Really?!? a no weapons policy? Are you that frigging retarded? You imply that a person who is possibly willing to KILL YOU is going to stop when he finds out his weapon isn't allowed in the establishment? I fought for, and voted for your rights, the least you can do, is respect mine.

Anyhow, enough of the rant. Anybody know a good spot?

I agree, I boycott any place in Michigan that is anti-gun.. and 1 specific set of concealed weapons forums I can think of keeps a list of stores that have anti-gun policies. That said, should I open up a business of my own - It will be posted that concealed weapons are allowed with appropriate license / permit, and will also request that they stay holstered until needed, but if needed.. don't hesitate to use them. Anyone contemplating trying to rob the place will shit a few bricks.
shit in Colorado we can wear/carry our weapons like back in the day... sidearms legally almost everywhere Open carry is legal in Colorado, except where specifically malls
and unless you stormed some beaches in europe or the south pacific about 70 years ago, quit saying you fought for our rights. you got duped into some unnecessary conflict and we footed the tab for you and are probably still paying for your healthcare.

If I were in a place....I mean ANY place and I heard someone say something like this out loud....I would beat the living shit out of you. Who the fuck do you think you are talking to or about a veteran of our country? You have alot of nerve.

People like you come on forums with your little stabs and should be ashamed of yourself.

Your account should be deleted. All you do is cause trouble with every post you put online.

You should be banned from RIU. Having an opposing view is one cross the line like you think shit is a joke. People like you can be found very easily. I would hope you understand this. I'm not one who would look for you but there are people who would snatch you out of your clothes at midnight and beat you to death with your laptop. Watch what you say.
Its funny. When I think of it from what I would call a rational point of view (oh shit), yes you should be allowed to carry your gun everywhere. But when I step back and realize that some people are so paranoid, or bullheaded that they can't understand why some people (maybe ones with lots of weed and money) are more relaxed knowing no one in the room is carrying a gun. What a level headed playing field where all the people enjoying the great plant are not carrying any deadly weapons. I really don't give two shits either way. I do believe that having some members of public being armed keeps us safe. Ultimately I am more scared of what must be going through someones head that can't put there gun down for 5 minutes to buy a sack and burn one. I live in a town that often wins the most violent city title. Only to compete with wherever your likely from. I hope you can work this out. I am scared of what can happen, in fact I've had my home invaded and had guns held to me and my wifes head a few years ago. Still I don't want to carry a gun. Maybe I'm naive? Maybe the laws of attraction keep me safer than you. I'm not a quantam physic's kind of guy.

My thoughts exactly
shit in Colorado we can wear/carry our weapons like back in the day... sidearms legally almost everywhere

Michigan has open and concealed carry acceptable.. but at the state level, if it's posted with a 30-06 sign saying no guns allowed.. it's enforceable and can get your weapon and ability to carry stripped without question. In Michigan, also have to declare to homeowners if you're visiting and carrying, and they have to okay it. Would get hit with a firearms offense if I visited relatives, they didn't know I was carrying, and I had to use the firearm due to any one of a number of reasons and they thought I was wrong, chose to take it to court, etc.
Prodigal, NM Unkle waste of 36,183 posts he just recently realized his parents were related. I would just carry, if it's concealed and they have no metal detectors at the door who's going to know? I carry everywhere period, ya know cuz I'm a gunz nut and im a puranoidz!
As for perception regarding guns... contrary to popular belief - I, and many others like me do not carry because we feel we need or want power, or are looking for an issue. We carry because we wish to be left alone.