The UK Growers Thread!

u here about the middle class ddue who took his weed to the police station to try get his dealer done for it being shit, i.e not as advertised hahaha


just got attitude newletter, theyve crossed kalis mist with bublegum,, lol should be interesting
u here about the middle class ddue who took his weed to the police station to try get his dealer done for it being shit, i.e not as advertised hahaha


Pmsl fuckin nutter its about time it was legal tho then none of us would have this problem and shit could be regulated to make sure we get the best high grade gear and all that with no mold or anything
fuckin estate agents let us down

van arranged ... check
idiots on the promise of food to help out ...check
broadband and phone line to be cut off on the 5th ...check
estate agents cant fuck it up enough .... triple check

were not moving this weekend , estate agents let us down , monday sometime if we get lucky , thrs more like ,,,,, 3 fuckin weeks to get it together and they didnt even manage that , if the girl whos dealing with it wasnt shagtastic i would have said more than the `` i cant talk now , we will talk tomorrow ``
So what's the storey troop's, this forum has been getting messed up with alot of fake user's, double profile guy's and bad egg's returning under other name's. Be aware of the new user's, and keep the guard up man ;)
I think after a while it drop's on here and we feel free to do away as we please, but there will be someone watching and waiting to play game's, jealousy is a bitch and ive met her mother :D

fuckin estate agents let us down

van arranged ... check
idiots on the promise of food to help out ...check
broadband and phone line to be cut off on the 5th ...check
estate agents cant fuck it up enough .... triple check

were not moving this weekend , estate agents let us down , monday sometime if we get lucky , thrs more like ,,,,, 3 fuckin weeks to get it together and they didnt even manage that , if the girl whos dealing with it wasnt shagtastic i would have said more than the `` i cant talk now , we will talk tomorrow ``

Well forget how much u wanna smash her and go fuckin mad at the silly bitch u might get something sorted Lol
alright don howzitgaun? you still oot stealing hubcaps mate?
gannin canny, hubcaps fetch a canny price actually. some tw@at nicked my lasses of her ford K (i know afore you start) at the time it was outside my gaff and i knew it was the punters of the smack rat up the street. anyway i said i'll replace them love no bother. bought em on ebay 40 odd bar, thing turned up it was a single fucking hub cap. a fell set was like 10 note I was foamin. keyed the fuckers range rover next weekend.
fuckin estate agents let us down

van arranged ... check
idiots on the promise of food to help out ...check
broadband and phone line to be cut off on the 5th ...check
estate agents cant fuck it up enough .... triple check

were not moving this weekend , estate agents let us down , monday sometime if we get lucky , thrs more like ,,,,, 3 fuckin weeks to get it together and they didnt even manage that , if the girl whos dealing with it wasnt shagtastic i would have said more than the `` i cant talk now , we will talk tomorrow ``

state agents are useless, only after their %. i was nearly chucked out the right move place for our gaff after I went bonkers over the prices they wanted to charge for basically showing us round, sending a link for us to do a credit check ourselves online and sign some paperwork. them to give us a set of keys and their cut £600. the landlord also said they take the first months rent, another £600 in their pockets for shite all. i went bonkers telt the kid he should wear an eye patch like a fucking pirate.

So what's the storey troop's, this forum has been getting messed up with alot of fake user's, double profile guy's and bad egg's returning under other name's. Be aware of the new user's, and keep the guard up man ;)
I think after a while it drop's on here and we feel free to do away as we please, but there will be someone watching and waiting to play game's, jealousy is a bitch and ive met her mother :D

man speaks truth. watch these new users after cuts. not newuserlol he's alreet ( at times :razz: )