safe to plant outdoors yet?


Active Member
so i have about 15 plants that are about 2 feet tall and was wondering if it is safe to pant out doors i am in ky and at end ill post 10 day weather things are beginning to bloom and i think i would be safe the are kushy kush and grand daddy purp and rose kush

today 49/27
wed 52/32
thu 56/40
fri 59 37
sat 64/50
sun 68/54
mon 70/56
wed 70/55
thu 67/45

im in southern ky and would like to have any input and info i am getting anxious and was wondering if it would be ok to go ahead they will be in the ground not in buckets and will be able to get plenty sun an info is appreciated thanks all


Well-Known Member
If the temperature variable is less than 15 degrees F (hotter or colder) in either direction (from indoor to outdoor or vice-versa), the plant will not go into shock and you can move them back and forth with ease.


Below freezing tonight and near freezing tomorrow night. IMO you are still in the danger zone of getting a freeze, and even a soft freeze is enough to kill your plants dead.
I would watch it and make sure there is not going to be any more freezes. It is pretty easy to find the average last frost date for your area, use this as a guide and i would give it an extra week or 2 just to be sure.


Active Member
k thanks i was thinking about after freezing days i posted but they have been in an out door building whole time and only had head from the one flood light they are under i was gona just use to sprout but got ahead of myself and did so way too early but they are healthy as can be and growing like a weed :p just ready to put em out side smell gettin kinda bad and weather is getting better and this time last year i already had em outside but this year has been odd weather wise


Active Member
and almanac says april 15 is last frost but like u said its give or take and i am an hr south of where it said it was april 15th and its usually always about 5 degrees warmer her than there


Well-Known Member
Too early to plant outdoors without suplimental lighting, they will start to flower as soom as you put them out. They can take the cold temps, but there's not enough daylight yet. I plant outdoors in late may & still use lighting.
Good luck
Too early to plant outdoors without suplimental lighting, they will start to flower as soom as you put them out. They can take the cold temps, but there's not enough daylight yet. I plant outdoors in late may & still use lighting.
Good luck
yup just like double said i wouldnt put them outdoor until like june


Well-Known Member
I'm in southern ky also and have beem growing outdoor for a few years. Since I have expirience in this situation,
no you wont need any supplemental lighting. i wouldnt plant until after this weekend though if I were you. I'm putting
mine out in a plot where I built a small cold frame this weekend, and mine are 2 months old. How tall are your plants
right now if you dont mind me asking? And by the way PM me and I will help you with your situation as much as possible.
Best of luck to you send me a PM.


Well-Known Member
I beg to differ . And I wouldn't PM that guy. Who cares how big your plants are and you don't know him. I don't think Kentucky is a med legal state. it's to early.


Well-Known Member
so i have about 15 plants that are about 2 feet tall and was wondering if it is safe to pant out doors i am in ky and at end ill post 10 day weather things are beginning to bloom and i think i would be safe the are kushy kush and grand daddy purp and rose kush

today 49/27
wed 52/32
thu 56/40
fri 59 37
sat 64/50
sun 68/54
mon 70/56
wed 70/55
thu 67/45

im in southern ky and would like to have any input and info i am getting anxious and was wondering if it would be ok to go ahead they will be in the ground not in buckets and will be able to get plenty sun an info is appreciated thanks all
Is daylength at least 14/10 in your area? Also is absolute minimum temp above 45?


Well-Known Member
Look i'm not ripping anyone. I wouldnt have to do that, trust me, and I would never rip someones hard work. I'm trying to help this guy out, thats what I do. I need help and I ask, and I get it. In return I also help others. If you dont live in southern Ky and don't grow around here then what the hell do you know? I want him to PM me because I want to discuss some things with him, I want to help him like I would want someone to help me. I have 3 partners and we are family and have been growing in ky since 2004 and never been ripped not once. Choppers got a few in the early years but we have found ways to get around them for the most part. Its not like i'm gonna ask the guy for his location, he's in south ky with me and that explains enough, no need to go with locations. He gets the same damn amount of sunlight as me. People are just retarded sometimes, and most of the time its when someone with expirience tries helping someone in a situation they know nothing about, there is always a know it all among the crowd. I understand and accept your concern about keeping a fellow grower from being ripped, but not the case here. If he dont need or want my help thats his problem, but i'm willing to help. I reap what (I) sow and my harvests are bountiful, no need to take someone elses.


Well-Known Member
By the way, I know at least 30 growers in my area personally and in neighboring counties and ive never heard of people
putting plants out in june around here. Rarely may, unless in the very first few days of may. If you want midget dwarf 8th
bag plants, yeah throw em out in June, you want regular sized plants? Throw em out in may. You want monsters with alot
of buds? Throw em out in April my friend. I had plants out last year in the last week of feburary ( protected ) that is with
clear jugs and containers and yes they grew very slow until late march and to my suprise were trees by august and most
turned out female. None of them even began flowering either. You might think this is all a bunch of bull shit and I dont
really care, but its the truth. Just to prove these guys wrong, hold em under the light until may if you want, but go ahead
and throw one out and see for yourself, come back later and tell me if its me full of shit or them full of it?

The size matters to me on the plants because I was gonna see how I could help the guy out with
figures on what he could use for protection from light frosts and such until the frosts pass. If its 2 ft tall
cant really use a milk jug huh? But theyre other simple things, cheap things I could advise of him using.

No, kentucky is NOT a med state, you did get that one right. What the hell does that matter? This isnt a medical
mj website or forum, although they're are sections on the forum for med grows. We did however legalize and pass the
hemp bill, and by the way, for Ky not being a md state we do come in 2nd for cash crop and i've smoked better homegrown
around here than i've ever smoked out of state, including many med states. Yall have a good one now ya hear!? And
Carrender, please test one out for me brother to prove these guys wrong. Please...


Active Member
Go getem psych. Nothing like being called a theif ! Someone opened up a can of worms. By the way it's not too early. They can go out now but if you have a hair-trigger of a strain you might want to wait a bit. Get a head start and slap a couple of them outside. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I always plant mid-May in NorCal. :hug:
Good luck
P.S.Maybe we don't have the same definition of "monster plants":-o




Active Member
Oh yea 2 j's chimming in with his perfect NorCal weather showing off. I'd be showing those babys as well. Nice work. You might need a chain saw to harvest.


Virtually Unknown Member
P.S.Maybe we don't have the same definition of "monster plants":-o
40N Midwest and no we don't have no fucking redwood forest like that here!! Real Nice plants JJ. Usually end of May is pretty safe. We have some nice sun during May to set plants out during the daytime. Harvest mid Oct is pushing it. First year I.m going to try auto's outside.


Well-Known Member
I always plant mid-May in NorCal. :hug:
Mid May seems just about right. No danger of frost, days long enough.

I still don't understand what is everbody's rush to plant in early April?

Is it the inability to grow indoors until daylength and temp is ideal or is it just spring fever?


Well-Known Member
By the way, I know at least 30 growers in my area personally and in neighboring counties and ive never heard of people
putting plants out in june around here. Rarely may, unless in the very first few days of may. If you want midget dwarf 8th
bag plants, yeah throw em out in June, you want regular sized plants? Throw em out in may. You want monsters with alot
of buds? Throw em out in April my friend. I had plants out last year in the last week of feburary ( protected ) that is with
clear jugs and containers and yes they grew very slow until late march and to my suprise were trees by august and most
turned out female. None of them even began flowering either. You might think this is all a bunch of bull shit and I dont
really care, but its the truth. Just to prove these guys wrong, hold em under the light until may if you want, but go ahead
and throw one out and see for yourself, come back later and tell me if its me full of shit or them full of it?

The size matters to me on the plants because I was gonna see how I could help the guy out with
figures on what he could use for protection from light frosts and such until the frosts pass. If its 2 ft tall
cant really use a milk jug huh? But theyre other simple things, cheap things I could advise of him using.

No, kentucky is NOT a med state, you did get that one right. What the hell does that matter? This isnt a medical
mj website or forum, although they're are sections on the forum for med grows. We did however legalize and pass the
hemp bill, and by the way, for Ky not being a md state we do come in 2nd for cash crop and i've smoked better homegrown
around here than i've ever smoked out of state, including many med states. Yall have a good one now ya hear!? And
Carrender, please test one out for me brother to prove these guys wrong. Please...
I was just responding to his challenge.:roll:
P.S. And pictures speak a 1000 words