Meat wagon

Do you have mice? The damage looks too extreme to be a small caterpillar (who normally munch in circles anyway) Looks like someone has been chopping bits off it.View attachment 2597846having some problems with leaf damage, one of the PM started to get munched a few days ago and looked with a 30x and 60x magnifier and cant see anything on the plant! trying one drop of dish soap in 1 liter of water sprayed with a fine mist top and bottom! plus the leafs are kinda curling down. any idea what it could be??
you mean whats in the white container? its sheep shit wanna try some with warm milk? lolwhat the fuck is that..looks like horse shit.
the plants are in a built-in cupboard with no access, no holes of anything! plus i think a mouse would have knocked the plants over trying to get to themDo you have mice? The damage looks too extreme to be a small caterpillar (who normally munch in circles anyway) Looks like someone has been chopping bits off it.
Possible over wet root zone for curling down leaves, or need transplanting?
yeah what you said about trapped leafs is what happened to cause that lol checked them this morning and they dont seem to have gotten any worse, they'll be put out before this week ends.Mice only need a hole the size of a pencil head! But I was thinking, if it was mice you would probably see droppings. They are nervous creatures and are constantly pissing and crapping all over the place. The leaf on the bottom right hand side looks like it has been snapped a little, but it still looks healthy so probably not a biggy. I've had something similar when I have crammed pots together and the lower leafs get trapped between the pots and get similar snapped lines (if you can imagine what I mean...)
yeah for yeild there poor, but there quick and very tolerant weather wise. i just put 1 of my autos out today! gonna check next week to see if its ok, best of luckiv got a couple autos germin right now, gonna put outside within the next month, they were free seeds so i dont expect much.
most are getting the bottoms cut once there big enough and a few will be left in to see if they become root bound and flower early, as a experiment! i've read that making a plant root bound will trigger flowering!? no too sure tho.Looking good for starters man. Are you keeping them in the black bags right through?. Mine aren't going out until the start of may
Check out Onyx and Auto Frisian DewI am thinking of doing some autos outdoors in Scotland.
Does anyone have any recommendations?
there small but, too big to have a bottle on them they should be fine, no expecting much off them just nice to have a smoke before the others are ready in sep/oct.I had afew autos out last year, will be starting more today as soon as i get home, if the weather in scotland is the same as the west of ireland then the buds wont be dense attal due to the lack of heat and light, it wont be trash either but the buds could turn out like the barney's farm's Dr. Grinspoon (i never got them but going by the shots on their website, the buds look like little grapes) anyways watch out for the bud rot, it sets in very easily due to the humidity although some strains are more resistant than others and you said yours were so i think you'll get some nice stuff, also if attal possible try to get some cover on them, a 5L bottle with the bottom cut off works well while theyr small, it works wonders! And they will take any wind and i mean ANY! Mine withstood >100mph winds last year, i was terrified that they would break or just be ripped outta ther pots, they took it well though, they were flat to the ground at times but when it was over they were fine and ended up with tree trunks for stemsIll post some shots of mine here once there going, i invested in a greenhouse recently so that should make a big diffrence, good luck man!
yep sure have, put a loose strip of copper tape around the base of the main stem.Alright MW, just a wee Q fir ya mate. Have you taken precautions to prevent snails/slugs eating your plants? I couldn't see if you have from your pics.
You can put a ring of 2p's around the stem on the ground so they can crawl onto them