Well-Known Member
After my 2nd non delivery of an order that didn't arrive, I stopped ordering from them. It's a bitch to get an honest response from them- both times they claimed to send out replacements and they never showed up either. If you live in the states, it's 90% certain YOU WON'T GET YOUR SEEDS!!!!!!
I hear about good delivery rates to other places, just not the U.S.A. I think they hate Americans (like Mark Emory) and just want to rip you off. As I've previously recommended, do some searches on the subject. You just can't get that many complaints if you're running an honest company.
I live in Canada so shipping for them to me is easy. My suggestions would be to order through a Bank like Attitude (who I also order from), I`ve never had an issue with them or recieving any of my BCBD beans from theem. Sorry about the experience man, I have to admit I`d be a little discouraged in your shoes as well