When to start counting Flowering Time?

I normally would start when i switched to 12/12, but I am having trouble deciding on autos. Most say they reach flowering after 2-3 weeks, do you guys start counting then? Do you just use the seeds banks time lines? Do you start when you actually see pistils? Or do you just go by feel of the plant?

just wondering because mine didnt show any pistils till damn near week 5...

Any help would be awesome.
i have been growing autoflowrs for 3 years now...and i can tell you there is a definite time to switch...the buds you see start on autoflowers stay the same size until vertical growth stops...once vertical growth stops the plant is in full bloom and lites and nutes should be switched.
First off thanks for the answers. I am going to go with what the plant tells me but im just trying to get a decent timeframe so I can start my generations of seedlings and have room under the light for them.

I Started using blooming nutes as soon as I saw pistils shooting....was that wrong??

It just seems weird to me the breeder says 63 days and im on day 44 and they are still growing taller. Thats why I was wondering when autoflower professionals started counting their flowering days. Guess you cant rush mother nature though.
like said above ignore what the breeder ses the sooner you do that the better....seeing pistils doesnt mean its flowering that is just pre-flowers some show at 2 weeks others longer i have 3 ww atm nearly 5 weeks old and they have just started to show now and the breeder said 3-4 weeks forget what everyone ses just go by what the plant is showing you nothing else is that simple
preflower is just the plant showing sex "pre" as in before flower you usually depending on strain still have a week or two of veg before actual flowering starts its the explosive pistil growth a new hair balll every day type growth that i use as a sign to switch nutes
Being on my 3rd Autoflower plant and I haven't put them on 12/12 at all. Was told to keep then on a 20/4 cycle. After about 3-4 weeks they flower for me and done about 4-5 weeks later so a total 8-10 weeks. Do some more research.... From the sounds of ppl here there talking more of photoperiod grows. dont get me wrong, you can put them on 12/12 but from what I have read that your yield will be very small. Also make sure your planted in a large planter too.
lol nah everything that has been posted by me and others on this thread applies to autoflower's it could apply to photo's too minus the fact that these autoflower ..... and photo's require 12/12 a true auto will start and finish under 24/0 and from seed to proper finish 70% amber or so is usually 8-11 weeks depending on strain and with some super auto's its longer
So Keep the lights 20+ cycle on Autos right? Don't switch to 12/12. well when I get my 4th 1 going here, Im hitting you up for info tekdc911. :) My Auto Purple is looking mutated though. Not really liking Pyramid seeds genetics.
Growing your Autos under CFLs is see. Im doing the same. My veg cabinet is all cfls and that's where I keep my autos with my photos. 400w HPS for photo flowering in another cabinet.
a true auto will and can auto under 24/0
some unstable genetics will need a push if it preflowers and keeps on vegging ive had white widow auto dinafem need a 18/6 push because a 20/4 wouldnt do it i grow under 24/0 and the ones that dont flower under that veg until the one's that do are finished and i cut the timer on no sense in depriving a auto that has no problem with 24/0 the light it deserves plus side the one's that need a push will veg longer and yield more
just a thought you could stick a auto or 2 if you have room under your hps and just take them out before lights out give them a boost so to say
yes i use only cfl's 2700 k 5000k 6000k mixed total of 400 true watts of cfl's at about 25000 lumens in a 2.8'w X 3.5'L X 4.5' t
Yes they have been on 24/0 their whole life. I wonder if that has something to do with the large size of these plants, also 3 gal pots may have been to large but I will gladly wait on the AK-49 to finish properly hope it will be above the breeders avg. yeilds since my plants will be about the 2x the size they say they should be:)
ya 24/0 has gotten my best results under cfl if you want it a little dankier then cut the lights back the last week or week and a half and give them 24-48 of dark time right before harvest im sure cutting the lights back effects yield but it makes them smell so nice like photo's when the lights first kick on they smell dank :p and you can get really good size plants if you use a really high drainage soiless mix in a small pot just have to be spot on with the nutes less medium less buffer/room for error also they dry up quicker which if your on time with the feedings/water can be taken advantage of
First off thanks for the answers. I am going to go with what the plant tells me but im just trying to get a decent timeframe so I can start my generations of seedlings and have room under the light for them.

I Started using blooming nutes as soon as I saw pistils shooting....was that wrong??

It just seems weird to me the breeder says 63 days and im on day 44 and they are still growing taller. Thats why I was wondering when autoflower professionals started counting their flowering days. Guess you cant rush mother nature though.

forgot to answer this question not sure if anyone else did about the flower nutes if you start nutes at the first sign of preflower they are supposed to be closer to breeder times something to do with the lack of nitrogen induces flowering thats why some of the faster strain breeders call for strictly bloom nutes so there plants dont take 12 weeks and end up 4' tall when its supposed to be a short season/height plant
its not really a set time pheno's vary go by what the plant is telling you

It is just like tekdc911 has stated. Some autos have different requirements than other, and will veg/flower at different times. Use the breeder's description AND let the plant tell you with signs of flowers and sex organs. Some Super Autos, from seed to finish, can go well over 90 days. Each phenotype could have different needs. *Crunch*