Insanity ab workout and a healthy diet high in protein low in fat, plus a hell of a lot of dancing, the mirror pick with my shirt tucked in my belt is what I was when I came back to the hotel at the end of day 3 of electric zoo, 36 hours of dancing

the mirror pic is me today
Nice 8 pack brother. When I was a marine I had that 8 pack, now an older beer guzzling devil dog I got boulder abs. You ever consider the military?
Nice 8 pack brother. When I was a marine I had that 8 pack, now an older beer guzzling devil dog I got boulder abs. You ever consider the military?

I love the men and women that fight for our country but don't agree with the people in charge and for that reason I could never do it
Give the poor lad a chance guys, he's new and he didn't get all pissy when we tried hooking him up with chi.

fyi, i think they would make a cute couple :D