what are these flying black gnats in my grow? anybody have this problem?


what are these bugs that look like gnats flying around my plants?
I also have noticed a flying bug the size of a bee,
but it is black and white, with what appears to be
the eyes of a fly.

anybody else here in az having these bug issues?
I don't know about the big one but the little ones sound like fungus gnats...i sprinkle cinnamon on top of the soil after I water...others like to use about an inch of sand on top of the soil...I have also used 15 ml of Azamax to 32 oz of h20 and sprayed the top of soil.
If you want them gone water with mosquitoe dunks for 2 weeks you wont see them again. By far the best control.
Available fertilizer isle home depot or your hydro store
Are they fast moviong black gnats? If they are moving reallyi fast they could be root aphids.. and thats a hell of a task to get rid of them.. mosquito dunks don't do shit.. If they have a wide body and seem to be moving fast , than you probably have winged root aphids.
Are they fast moviong black gnats? If they are moving reallyi fast they could be root aphids.. and thats a hell of a task to get rid of them.. mosquito dunks don't do shit.. If they have a wide body and seem to be moving fast , than you probably have winged root aphids.

Not nearly as common but orthene (Acephate) puts the hurt on them.
If they are strong flyers and like someone else said, have a wide body, you might have root aphids, which can be a nightmare. Buy some yellow sticky traps to help identify which bugs you have. If they are knats, all the methods mentioned are great, but if you have aphids that's a different story. I have had them in the past and it's very hard to destroy all of them but I found a few products that worked very well. SNS 203 works great as a soil drench and kills them directly or botaniguard is probably the best but most expensive.
I have seen aphids enjoy drinking sns203 its fairly week. The botaniguard is good shit. It doesn't work quite as well as orthene but is much less toxic...ie safer to use.

imidacloprid- in bayer fruit and vegetable or merit 75 is fairly effective as well and a bit safer than orthene.

Aphids are like mites in that you want to knock the fuck out of them in a indoor grow and completely eliminate them not just control them somewhat.
If they are strong flyers and like someone else said, have a wide body, you might have root aphids, which can be a nightmare. Buy some yellow sticky traps to help identify which bugs you have. If they are knats, all the methods mentioned are great, but if you have aphids that's a different story. I have had them in the past and it's very hard to destroy all of them but I found a few products that worked very well. SNS 203 works great as a soil drench and kills them directly or botaniguard is probably the best but most expensive.

If you want to save some money and have a more effective control, why not use rosemary and clove oil as a drench? All that sns203 stuff is just all watered down rosemary and clove oil. Just like most of the shit I used to buy like a sucker. No wonder coolman sees "aphids enjoy drinking sns203". Biological insecticides like botaniguard are great just stay away from the poisons.
Sometimes poisons are all that will wipe out mites or aphids. especially fast and with a large crop

You do know all the fruit and vegetables you eat have been sprayed regularly with poisons
often up to a few days before there picked.
just dont spray them to close to harvest and read the label.
Sometimes poisons are all that will wipe out mites or aphids. especially fast and with a large crop

You do know all the fruit and vegetables you eat have been sprayed regularly with poisons
often up to a few days before there picked.
just dont spray them to close to harvest and read the label.

Unfortunately poisons would ruin my program. I have beneficial insects that I need to be careful with. Even spinosad is said to cause damage which is another biological. I'm very proactive.
I agree that sns isn't the strongest but has always worked for me. I just mix a few 5 gallon buckets and let all of my plants sit in there fully submerged, one by one. While submerged, all of those fuckers start trying to escape and while they do they get directly sprayed with either sns or some other insecticide I have lying around. It's always worked for me but to each their own.
If they are just fungus gnats (more than likely) and you haven't noticed any damage to your plants don't fret about it. They are called fungus gnats because their main food source is fungus which will more than likely be plenty of inside of your soil . If you see damage to your plants, that is when you have to start questioning whether they are nefarious are not.
If they are just fungus gnats (more than likely) and you haven't noticed any damage to your plants don't fret about it. They are called fungus gnats because their main food source is fungus which will more than likely be plenty of inside of your soil . If you see damage to your plants, that is when you have to start questioning whether they are nefarious are not.

^^ THIS!!! You have to have a major infestation for fungus gnats to screw your plants up. Yellow sticky traps and turn those oscillating fans on, bugs cant fly in high winds thats why you dont see any out flying around in storms.