I really don't see any true refutation, considering it has all been addressed in my previous post ( but false claims is kinda your thing) but a point by point refutation of every one of your posts hasn't dissuaded you in the least either, but, as you stated the circumstances surrounding the footage do seem very fishy. I myself wrote it off the first five hundred times i saw it. way too many coincidences just happened to come together at the perfect time. I fully understand why you write it off as well. Paterson's friend STILL though stands by what he saw. I know every point you brought up very well. It still doesn't mean your not wrong.
Planet of the apes didn't use animatronics btw. Most of the rhetoric about the films validity comes from the "fact" patterson got tired of the constant barrage of criticism and looky lous that wouldn't leave him alone so HE said HIMSELF he faked it(which is a false claim the loch ness monster guy admitted faking his pics not patterson). which led to all types of other stories (like the guy who claimed to be the one in the monkey suit) the reason though that he went out searching was because he claimed to have seen the creature in that area before. and like you stated one of the most illusive creatures in the world just happened to be standing right there like "here I am heres my titties whats up" though the sound of horses has been known NOT to spook wild animals like the sound of humans do.
Try this on for size (pun intended) and try out your horse shit debating technique with the Associate professor of Anatomy & Anthropology Idaho State University Pocatello, Idaho
:cut and pasted from the above site:
The Patterson footage has never been debunked as a hoax. No one has ever demonstrated how it was done. Neither the original "costume," nor a matching costume, has ever been presented by honest skeptics, nor by various imposters who claim to have worn the costume.
Large amounts of money have been spent
trying to make a matching costume. The best Hollywood costume design talents have been brought to the task, but have never succeeded. The British Broadcasting Corporation spent the most money so far. They failed miserably. .
Every attempt and failure to make a similar costume strengthens the case for authenticity of the Patterson footage. Comparing a man in a costume side by side with the Patterson creature in motion helps highlight the striking anatomical peculiarities.
If you hear debunking claims in the future, be ready to ask the obvious questions:
- Where is the costume?
- If the original costume is gone, why can't they make an identical costume and do it again? Why is that so hard?
- Why does the news media always trumpet every half-baked "man in the costume" story that comes along without asking for the obvious proof, which should be so simple to provide?