My official opinion at this time is that she's been bad, and needs a good hair pulling with a sound spankin'.
7 posts in and already a pic! I like you already!
Welcome, welcome.

I mean why not? hah. I don't see what's wrong with posting a pic. But that's prob cause im always on either xanax bars or klonopins and don't give a fuck about anything.

Everyone tells me I look younger than I really am... I'm 20. :P

Thanks for the welcomes. :)
I mean why not? hah. I don't see what's wrong with posting a pic. But that's prob cause im always on either xanax bars or klonopins and don't give a fuck about anything.

Everyone tells me I look younger than I really am... I'm 20. :P

Thanks for the welcomes. :)

nah i wouldve guessed 20/.
lol it did get quiet quite fast. I was really enjoying the convo too lol

Is why I was going to go into painting vivid mental picture mode and see how many women are awake / paying attention... but am sure you'd be forced to censor half of it as what happened last time I did that. hahaha
need to find some strains to replace those pills

I don't abuse benzos... I know they are addictive and have bad withdrawals. I just like to pop some here and there when im bored or when I'm on a MDMA comedown like now... a klonopin is a perfect thing to take. I slept 15h last night! :)

im no smoker but I bought some white widow of SR... my buddy gave me rolling papers but I lost them at the rave lol. I keep that for 420, my bro gonna show me how to smoke it.