Here is the truth.
If you need to smoke some weed in order to make your "trip" tripier, then you didn't take enough of the original substance. On a decent LSD excursion you don't even notice the smoke and what you do manage to experience is burned off in a matter of minutes.
I have to say I can agree with not noticing the smoke when tripping. I find myself able to take massive rips that one would think a person could not handle unless they were under the influence of something; in this case, LSD. However, I can definitely feel confident in crediting marijuana for at-least enriching my trip.
Yeah, I find the first hit does something but after that I keep going because I enjoy smoking. Really bad when you're trying to conserve.
The first hit I took during my first and only trip was the one that sparked the visual of my mounted bass coming alive. After that I went through probably a quarter of my stash without even noticing. I could milk the bong to that yellow-milk level and clear it with 0 discomfort. Upon each exhale the large cloud of smoke would dissipate into these swirls of beautiful energy.
You have to remember though, my experience with LSD+Cannabis could be solely a personal one. I am unsure as to whether my experience was enriched by the chemicals within marijuana, or it could have maybe even been just the fact that I love to toke. I suppose marijuana could have contributed to the endorphin frenzy my mind was undergoing due to it being under the influence of LSD for the first time ever; thus allowing me to 'trip harder'.
So to answer OP's question.. If you really love weed, then it most definitely has the potential to intensify your trip. Think of how important it is to love the people around you during your trip, or even the setting. One negative variable within those circumstances and you could be in for a pretty shitty ride...aka 'bad trip'.
toke when you trip

it works for me