Obama is destroying the economy


Well-Known Member
I can, as I said I have all the proof to embarrass you yet again but it's time to pay the piper. Instead of asking me to post the same evidence twice let's see your argument on why I should. The information was taken strait from the government sources it posted which I easily found and proved it 100% accurate. Now the question, do you disagree with the chart and if so why? Are you too fucking lazy to at least give some effort in trying to see how many time the dept ceiling has raised without posting yes "irrelevant" information. I have gave you clear evidence lets see come up with something different.
Buck will beat you to death with ignorance, he is an expert at it.

Obama has been in office less than 5 years and everyone can agree has raised the debt limit almost as much as Bush in 8 years... Therefore the argument is specious. Even though anyone with a brain knows it is 6 times, even ignorant people should be able to extrapolate that Obama will have raised it many more times in the coming 3+ years.

Buck has failed at high school, college, life, facts, etc... He is really good at it, you should just let him shine at what he does best...


Well-Known Member
Buck will beat you to death with ignorance, he is an expert at it.

Obama has been in office less than 5 years and everyone can agree has raised the debt limit almost as much as Bush in 8 years... Therefore the argument is specious. Even though anyone with a brain knows it is 6 times, even ignorant people should be able to extrapolate that Obama will have raised it many more times in the coming 3+ years.

Buck has failed at high school, college, life, facts, etc... He is really good at it, you should just let him shine at what he does best...
Yes but it's more fun this way. I have what he asks for and he won't be happy when he gets it but he has to at least try to discredit the evidence with more than a nu-uh. He made the claim the debt ceiling hasn't raised 6 times under Obama I pointed out it did with proof and all he has posted is congress wiki links that have nothing to do with the conversation. He is hoping that it would be difficult to find and hard to decipher but someone from the white house put it in a nice easy to read excel format that you can download directly from their site.

So by exposing his tactic of trying to make people show how wrong he is multiple times on the same subject when they have already posted creditable sources and he offers nothing but nu-uh or stupid links to nowhere is coming to an end. This will make it much easier to expose how much a bumbling idiot he is. We will simply call it "put up or shut up".

Even with the hints I posted I am sure he will triple down on his retarded rampage but it will make it all the sweeter in the end.

I am going to go ahead and edit this to prevent a little ridiculousness before he defends his links without showing his work. Bucky copy and past the information on debt ceilings increases from the three links you posted in your vain attempt to not look inept.


Well-Known Member
I can, as I said I have all the proof to embarrass you yet again but it's time to pay the piper. Instead of asking me to post the same evidence twice let's see your argument on why I should. The information was taken strait from the government sources it posted which I easily found and proved it 100% accurate. Now the question, do you disagree with the chart and if so why? Are you too fucking lazy to at least give some effort in trying to see how many time the dept ceiling has raised without posting yes "irrelevant" information. I have gave you clear evidence lets see come up with something different.
i'm sorry, i never looked at your links about the "dept" ceiling.

do you really not know how to spell debt, kiddo?

now go ahead, please point to the legislation that has raised the "dept" ceiling. should be easy enough, right?

nah, it's all just irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
Yes but it's more fun this way. I have what he asks for and he won't be happy when he gets it but he has to at least try to discredit the evidence with more than a nu-uh. He made the claim the debt ceiling hasn't raised 6 times under Obama I pointed out it did with proof and all he has posted is congress wiki links that have nothing to do with the conversation. He is hoping that it would be difficult to find and hard to decipher but someone from the white house put it in a nice easy to read excel format that you can download directly from their site.

So by exposing his tactic of trying to make people show how wrong he is multiple times on the same subject when they have already posted creditable sources and he offers nothing but nu-uh or stupid links to nowhere is coming to an end. This will make it much easier to expose how much a bumbling idiot he is. We will simply call it "put up or shut up".

Even with the hints I posted I am sure he will triple down on his retarded rampage but it will make it all the sweeter in the end.

I am going to go ahead and edit this to prevent a little ridiculousness before he defends his links without showing his work. Bucky copy and past the information on debt ceilings increases from the three links you posted in your vain attempt to not look inept.

go ahead and post the claim in question.

and again, please explain how the legislation that actually raises the "dept" ceiling has nothing to do with and is irrelevant to the "dept" ceiling.

go ahead kiddo. show us all how great you are at this!


Well-Known Member
Obama has been in office less than 5 years and everyone can agree has raised the debt limit almost as much as Bush in 8 years... Therefore the argument is specious. Even though anyone with a brain knows it is 6 times
one big difference though: bush was left a surplus by clinton, whereas bush took that surplus and managed to leave a $1.5 trillion annual structural deficit for obama.

so if you ignore that big, giant, gaping fact it might look bad or something. until you realize that obama has lowered the deficit despite being handed a massive recession and massive deficit by his predecessor (who i'm sure you voted for...twice).

Canna Connoiseur

Active Member
Everyone has a habit of arguing on the sides of democrats and republicans. If we just all realized that both parties are dumb. They both are ruining our economy. They are ruining us. No one on rollitup should support either of those parties. They don't want what we want collectively and it would help avoid cat fights arguing over who controlled the country at a certain time. Get over it ppl! They both suck equally. The person who is in charge now just signed the Monsanto protection act. The act forces the fda to pass anything that Monsanto produces even if the FDA's studies prove that it is harmful for human consumption. It protects them even if a court rules against the production of these things. This company created agent orange. They said that shit was safe! Our great leader signed this for us! He is fucked up!


Well-Known Member
one big difference though: bush was left a surplus by clinton, whereas bush took that surplus and managed to leave a $1.5 trillion annual structural deficit for obama.

political cartoon: bush leaving the WH..his arm is out the window and he's throwing a match on the kindling and obama is standing..sweating bullets.. he only had a small home type fire extinguisher..now how true was that?


Well-Known Member
Everyone has a habit of arguing on the sides of democrats and republicans. If we just all realized that both parties are dumb. They both are ruining our economy. They are ruining us. No one on rollitup should support either of those parties. They don't want what we want collectively and it would help avoid cat fights arguing over who controlled the country at a certain time. Get over it ppl! They both suck equally. The person who is in charge now just signed the Monsanto protection act. The act forces the fda to pass anything that Monsanto produces even if the FDA's studies prove that it is harmful for human consumption. It protects them even if a court rules against the production of these things. This company created agent orange. They said that shit was safe! Our great leader signed this for us! He is fucked up!
think i'm gonna buy stock in WFM..


Active Member
the poor have stayed poor, the only change that happens in the new world order is the dreamworld called the stock market, that's how media measures economy, oh and everytime a pawnshop opens that is NOT a sign of recovery, Banks still run the gangs and no "legitimate" government is doing shit for the people, IMF has more power than any government, Anyone replying to tell me I must be a welfare recipient lazy ass moron is either remorselessly raping the poor to make a fat living or not in touch with the actual world which is mostly filled with poor people. All the peoples money goes to war and private jets but for some reason greeks had to lower their minimum wage. Then you turn the news on and they tell you the recession is over because luxury vehicle sales went up, many believe it, many working poor believe they're middle class but they don't even know what that means. Is that incoherent and blindingly true enough for anyone.
but I'm on your side so vote republican and deregulate evil


Well-Known Member
the poor have stayed poor, the only change that happens in the new world order is the dreamworld called the stock market, that's how media measures economy, oh and everytime a pawnshop opens that is NOT a sign of recovery, Banks still run the gangs and no "legitimate" government is doing shit for the people, IMF has more power than any government, Anyone replying to tell me I must be a welfare recipient lazy ass moron is either remorselessly raping the poor to make a fat living or not in touch with the actual world which is mostly filled with poor people. All the peoples money goes to war and private jets but for some reason greeks had to lower their minimum wage. Then you turn the news on and they tell you the recession is over because luxury vehicle sales went up, many believe it, many working poor believe they're middle class but they don't even know what that means. Is that incoherent and blindingly true enough for anyone.
but I'm on your side so vote republican and deregulate evil
well #1 we are not greek..and #2 if it weren't for dems we wouldn't have a car industry to measure sales by..but i like your post:clap:

Canna Connoiseur

Active Member
the poor have stayed poor, the only change that happens in the new world order is the dreamworld called the stock market, that's how media measures economy, oh and everytime a pawnshop opens that is NOT a sign of recovery, Banks still run the gangs and no "legitimate" government is doing shit for the people, IMF has more power than any government, Anyone replying to tell me I must be a welfare recipient lazy ass moron is either remorselessly raping the poor to make a fat living or not in touch with the actual world which is mostly filled with poor people. All the peoples money goes to war and private jets but for some reason greeks had to lower their minimum wage. Then you turn the news on and they tell you the recession is over because luxury vehicle sales went up, many believe it, many working poor believe they're middle class but they don't even know what that means. Is that incoherent and blindingly true enough for anyone.
but I'm on your side so vote republican and deregulate evil
well #1 we are not greek..and #2 if it weren't for dems we wouldn't have a car industry to measure sales by..but i like your post:clap:
If it were not for the people that came to this country, people not labeled as a democrat or republican, there would not be democrats or republicans with the freedom to be able to argue with each other.


Well-Known Member
If it were not for the people that came to this country, people not labeled as a democrat or republican, there would not be democrats or republicans with the freedom to be able to argue with each other.
except for the indians native to us..we all came..YOU and ME..it would really be nice to have freedom FROM listening to the drama..why can't we delegate party affiliation/religious affiliation to all go stand outside like the smokers do..noone is allowed to pollute the air inside..

Canna Connoiseur

Active Member
If it were not for the people that came to this country, people not labeled as a democrat or republican, there would not be democrats or republicans with the freedom to be able to argue with each other.
except for the indians native to us..we all came..YOU and ME..it would really be nice to have freedom FROM listening to the drama..why can't we delegate party affiliation/religious affiliation to all go stand outside like the smokers do..noone is allowed to pollute the air inside..
Agreed. This is one thing that could help us all.


Well-Known Member
well #1 we are not greek..and #2 if it weren't for dems we wouldn't have a car industry to measure sales by..but i like your post:clap:
why do you say that?

Penske was going to buy Saturn until the "Auto Task Force" was created, so those jobs are gone from the red state of Tennessee. Dealerships were closed based on real estate, not profitability. Delphi employees lost pensions as secured bond holders while non-secured "friends of the cause" were protected. GM would have gone through a structured legal bankruptcy without government interference. They went through a bastardized bankruptcy WITH government interference. Companies have been known to go through this restructuring before and re-emerge stronger than ever. That's the purpose of the system we have in place. People act like the auto companies would have gone "poof" without Obama when the reality is the UAW would have taken a severe body blow without Obama. He saved UAW which may or may not be a good thing depending on your perspective but let's at least be honest about what happened.


Well-Known Member
why do you say that?

Companies have been known to go through this restructuring before and re-emerge stronger than ever. .
Like AMC, Studebaker and Packard

You act like Obama did something bad when in fact the precedent for bailing out the auto industry started with Ronald Fucking Reagan


Well-Known Member
i'm sorry, i never looked at your links about the "dept" ceiling.
Apparently you didn't look at yours either since the shit you posted has nothing to do or references the debt ceiling anyway. ass clown

do you really not know how to spell debt, kiddo?
Would it change your selective reading? Looks like you're avoiding all you past asshattery.

now go ahead, please point to the legislation that has raised the "dept" ceiling. should be easy enough, right?
Instead of asking me to post the same evidence twice let's see your argument on why I should. The
information was taken strait from the government sources it posted which I easily found and proved it 100%
accurate. Now the question, do you disagree with the chart and if so why? I have gave you clear evidence lets see come up with something different.
No sir you have some work to do first. I have proved my end, we haven't seen shit from you so far except bullshit.

nah, it's all just irrelevant.
Speaking of which, you have yet to post how any of the only three links you posted have any reference to the debt ceiling with proof of course.

Edit: Proof from the actual pages. While taxing your ineptness is predictable.


Well-Known Member

go ahead and post the claim in question.
Ok keep making a fool of yourself

now, if only obama had actually raised the debt ceiling 6 or 7 times, you might have had a point. but you don't.

and again, please explain how the legislation that actually raises the "dept" ceiling has nothing to do with and is irrelevant to the "dept" ceiling.
Well then simply prove it paste a small portion of any of the three pages you posted that shows the legislation to do with debt ceilings.

go ahead kiddo. show us all how great you are at this!
How about you start proving any of the last three pages of bullshit you posted instead of going deeper down the retarded hole. That's all being asked of you.


Well-Known Member
Like AMC, Studebaker and Packard

You act like Obama did something bad when in fact the precedent for bailing out the auto industry started with Ronald Fucking Reagan
You are comparing loaning money and taking over, not very honest of you. Btw, Bush kicked that can down the road instead of actually forcing the inevitable, so yes, he sucks too, shocking. You remember when all the Dems were against it? Remember the private jet outrage? You forgot to mention a slew of other failed auto companies that are no longer around, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Hummer and Saturn just to name a few.

Please go on record stating that a form of GM (something like new GM) wouldn't exist if Obama hadn't saved them. It will give insight into any posts you may make on economics and business and your level of understanding of either.


Well-Known Member
You are comparing loaning money and taking over, not very honest of you. Btw, Bush kicked that can down the road instead of actually forcing the inevitable, so yes, he sucks too, shocking. You remember when all the Dems were against it? Remember the private jet outrage? You forgot to mention a slew of other failed auto companies that are no longer around, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Hummer and Saturn just to name a few.

Please go on record stating that a form of GM (something like new GM) wouldn't exist if Obama hadn't saved them. It will give insight into any posts you may make on economics and business and your level of understanding of either.
1 How did the goverment take over GM. Can you show demonstrate how the goverment has run it?
2 No GM would not exist as it is if the goverment didnt loan them money.

BTW how is GM doing?